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67 search results for:

Peripheral vascular disease 

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  1. 06-24-2022 | Cardiovascular outcomes | News | Article
    News in brief

    Type 1 diabetes increases MI case–fatality risk

    People with diabetes were significantly younger than those without, but more often had high-risk conditions including heart failure, renal disease, cerebrovascular disease, and peripheral vascular disease.

  2. 07-07-2023 | Type 2 diabetes | News | Article

    New atherothrombotic risk score for type 2 diabetes

    They add that the other six variables – coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease, and a history of MI, ischemic stroke, percutaneous coronary intervention, and/or coronary artery bypass grafting – “reflect the extent of prior atherosclerotic disease” in those with known atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

  3. 06-08-2022 | ADA 2022 | News | Article

    CKD and type 2 diabetes combined conveys greatest vascular risk in people with CVD

    Individuals with cardiovascular disease who also have both chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes have a high risk for major cardiovascular events, shows research. 

  4. 01-13-2022 | SGLT2 inhibitors | News | Article

    Residual cardiorenal risk high after SGLT2 inhibitor initiation in diabetic CKD

    People with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease have a high residual risk for cardiorenal events and high rates of treatment failure after initiation of SGLT2 inhibitors, real-world study findings indicate.

  5. 09-01-2021 | ESC 2021 | News | Article
    News in brief

    ‘Exceedingly high’ vascular event risk with type 2 diabetes plus PAD

    The risk for major adverse cardiovascular events in people with type 2 diabetes plus peripheral artery disease exceeds even that of those with coronary artery disease, researchers report.

  6. 03-15-2022 | Hypoglycemia | News | Article

    Severe hypoglycemia risk factors identified in insulin users with type 2 diabetes

    Among individual comorbidities, cancer (OR=1.87), dementia or Alzheimer's disease (OR=1.73), peripheral vascular disease (OR=1.59), paralysis, hemiplegia, or paraplegia (OR=1.51), hepatitis (OR=1.50), congestive heart failure (OR=1.47), cardiac arrhythmia (OR=1.29), liver/gallbladder/pancreatic disease (OR=1.26), and hypertension (OR=1.19) were each independently associated with a significantly increased hypoglycemia risk.

  7. 06-06-2022 | ADA 2022 | News | Article

    Annual wellness check may reduce amputation likelihood in high-risk locales

    People in the Diabetes Belt had a significantly lower rate of diagnosed foot ulcers than people in surrounding countries (87 vs 92 per 1000 people), and the same was true for osteomyelitis (nine vs 10 per 1000), and peripheral vascular disease (171 vs 204 per 1000).

  8. 04-10-2012 | Diabetic foot ulcers | Book chapter | Article

    Clinical examination and risk classification of the diabetic foot

    Lavery LA, Armstrong DG. In: The diabetic foot: Medical and surgical management . Edited by Veves A, Giurini JM, LoGerfo FW. Humana Press, 2012. doi: 10.1007/978-1-61779-791-0_4

  9. 04-10-2012 | Diabetic foot | Book chapter | Article

    Epidemiology and healthcare cost of diabetic foot problems

    Cook JJ, Simonson DC. In: The diabetic foot: Medical and surgical management . Edited by Veves A, Giurini JM, LoGerfo FW. Humana Press, 2012. doi: 10.1007/978-1-61779-791-0_2

  10. 04-10-2012 | Diabetic foot | Book chapter | Article

    Clinical features and diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease

    Peripheral arterial disease is a fundamental consideration in the patient presenting with a diabetic foot.

  11. 11-14-2018 | Cardiovascular outcomes | Editorial | Article

    What have I learned from cardiovascular outcome trials?

    Even within the domain of cardiac health, atherosclerotic CVD and heart failure represent two distinct cardiovascular phenotypes [3], while peripheral arterial disease is another important consideration that can complicate diabetes, and, perhaps, glucose-lowering therapy as well.

  12. 06-16-2018 | Cardiovascular disorders | Review | Article

    Inpatient glycemic management of non-cardiac CVD: Focus on stroke and PVD

    Peripheral Vascular Disease Background Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) occurs in patients with and without diabetes, but those with diabetes tend to have more severe disease.

  13. 07-03-2019 | Semaglutide | At a glance | Article
    Updated April 2023

    A quick guide to the PIONEER trials

    SOUL: Active, not recruiting Trial population: People with type 2 diabetes, at least 50 years old, who have one or more of coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, symptomatic peripheral artery disease, or chronic kidney disease Comparator treatment: Placebo SOUL is the cardiovascular efficacy trial for oral semaglutide, aiming to recruit approximately 9600 people and monitor them for major adverse cardiovascular events.

  14. 06-09-2019 | Type 2 diabetes | News | Article

    Short-term delays in diabetes onset confer long-term cardioprotective effects

    Delaying diabetes onset by at least 6 years in people with impaired glucose tolerance significantly reduces their risk for cardiovascular disease and microvascular complications, show 30-year data from the Da Qing Diabetes Prevention Study.

  15. 05-05-2020 | Prediabetes | News | Article

    Prediabetes marks increased vascular risk

    People who meet the criteria for prediabetes during the 3 years before a type 2 diabetes diagnosis have a higher burden of vascular disease than those who do not, research shows.

  16. 02-18-2022 | Cardiovascular outcomes | News | Article

    Lifetime cardiorenal disease risk very high in type 2 diabetes

    Four in five people with type 2 diabetes will have a major cardiovascular or renal disease event in their lifetime, and around half will develop chronic kidney disease, report researchers.

  17. 09-30-2018 | UKPDS | At a glance | Article

    What we learned from the UKPDS

    peripheral vascular disease Pre-existing cardiovascular disease and current smoking were the strongest independent predictors of peripheral vascular disease, but older age, higher HbA1c, higher systolic blood pressure, and lower high-density lipoprotein cholesterol were also predictive [66].

  18. 12-20-2021 | Complications | News | Article

    Family history of type 2 diabetes may signify increased complication risk in type 1 diabetes

    Having first-degree relatives with type 2 diabetes may be associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease and microvascular complications among people with type 1 diabetes, particularly those diagnosed at a young age, study findings suggest.

  19. 07-04-2018 | Mental health | Article

    Factors associated with type 2 diabetes in patients with vascular dementia: A population-based cross-sectional study

    Liu CL et al. BMC Endocr Disord 2018; 18: 45. doi: 10.1186/s12902-018-0273-z

  20. 06-02-2018 | Cardiovascular disorders | Article

    Burden of cardiovascular risk factors and disease among patients with type 1 diabetes: Results of the Australian National Diabetes Audit (ANDA)

    Pease A et al. Cardiovasc Diabetol 2018; 17: 77. doi: 10.1186/s12933-018-0726-8

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