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  1. 04-05-2023 | Flash glucose monitoring | News | Article

    Reduced acute complications for young people using CGM

    The findings are in line with previous research showing a reduced risk for acute complications in adult users of flash glucose monitoring.

  2. 01-17-2023 | Lifestyle interventions | News | Article

    Healthy lifestyle wards off type 2 diabetes microvascular complications

    Real-world data from the UK Biobank show the value of a healthy lifestyle in people with type 2 diabetes hoping to avoid microvascular complications.

  3. 09-09-2022 | COVID-19 | News | Article
    News in brief

    Microvascular complications linked to COVID-19 mortality risk in people with type 2 diabetes

    Study findings suggest that the presence of microvascular complications is associated with increased risk for all-cause mortality in people with type 2 diabetes hospitalized for COVID-19.

  4. 12-03-2021 | Pregnancy | News | Article

    Microvascular diabetes complications linked to adverse pregnancy outcomes

    Among pregnant women with preexisting diabetes, those with nephropathy or retinopathy may be at increased risk for pregnancy complications, suggest findings from a systematic review and meta-analysis.

  5. 11-15-2021 | Transitions of care | News | Article

    Acute diabetes complications rise during transition to adult care

    Young people with type 1 diabetes are at increased risk for hospitalization for acute complications at the time of transition from pediatric to adult care, say researchers.

  6. 08-05-2021 | Depression | News | Article

    Consistent antidepressant use may help ward off diabetic complications

    The risk for macrovascular complications and mortality in people with diabetes and depression may be less for those who consistently take their antidepressant medications, research suggests.

  7. 07-28-2021 | Complications | News | Article

    Complications ‘accumulate rapidly’ in youth-onset type 2 diabetes

    The risk for diabetes-related complications increases over time among people with youth-onset type 2 diabetes, with the majority having at least one microvascular complication by the time of young adulthood, suggest follow-up results from the TODAY study.

  8. 08-03-2021 | Complications | News | Article

    Multi-polygenic risk score may predict type 2 diabetes complications

    Combining 10 weighted polygenic risk scores of variants related to cardiovascular and renal complications in a joint model with traditional risk factors could optimize micro- and macrovascular risk prediction and treatment response in type 2 diabetes, say researchers.

  9. 06-15-2021 | Dementia | News | Article

    Poor glycemic control, complications linked to dementia risk in people with type 2 diabetes

    Among people with type 2 diabetes, those with hypoglycemic events, microvascular complications, or high or unstable glycated hemoglobin levels might have an increased risk for dementia, researchers report.

  10. 05-04-2021 | Medications | News | Article

    Objective assessment of medication taking advised to reduce type 2 diabetes complications

    Suboptimal medication-taking identified through urine testing is associated with a higher prevalence of microvascular and macrovascular complications in people with type 2 diabetes than found with consistent usage, report researchers.

  11. 04-20-2021 | Risk factors | News | Article
    News in brief

    Trigger finger may warn of impending CVD complications in type 2 diabetes

    Study participants with trigger finger were significantly older than those without, with a longer duration of diabetes, poorer glycemic control, and more microvascular complications.

  12. 06-04-2020 | Nephropathy | News | Article

    Resistant hypertension tied to serious complications in type 1 diabetes

    Resistant hypertension is linked to an increased risk for cardiovascular outcomes in type 1 diabetes, with renal damage accounting for a large part of the association, say researchers.

  13. 06-14-2020 | ADA 2020 | Conference coverage | Article

    ​​​​​​​FreeStyle Libre use linked to substantial reduction in acute diabetes complications

    Real-world data presented at the virtual ADA 80th Scientific Sessions highlight the benefits of the FreeStyle Libre continuous glucose monitoring system in reducing acute complications in people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

  14. 02-26-2018 | Complications | Figure | Image

    Dermatologic complications of diabetes mellitus: Neurogenic complications

    Springer International Publishing AG
  15. 02-26-2018 | Complications | Figure | Image

    Dermatologic complications of diabetes mellitus: Metabolic complications

    Springer International Publishing AG
  16. 11-18-2016 | Metabolic surgery | Book chapter | Article

    Late complications of bariatric procedures

    Kurian M, Creange C. In: Bariatric surgery complications . Edited by Blackstone R. Springer, Cham, 2017. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-43968-6_3

  17. 10-02-2019 | Complications | News | Article

    Youngest adults have highest relative risk for diabetes complications

    The risk for acute and chronic diabetes complications associated with poor glucose control is highest among young adults with type 1 diabetes and decreases with age even when the level of glycemic control is equally poor in the older age groups, real-world study data show.

  18. 07-29-2019 | Pathophysiology | News | Article

    Cluster analysis may help to predict diabetic complications

    However, a previous analysis by a team from the University of Exeter, UK , although successfully replicating the original clusters, also suggested that routine clinical variables provided a more straightforward and as accurate means of predicting complications.

  19. 11-18-2016 | Metabolic surgery | Book chapter | Article

    Thirty-day (early) complications of bariatric surgical procedures

    Hamad GG, Guerrero VT. In: Bariatric surgery complications . Edited by Blackstone R. Springer, Cham, 2017. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-43968-6_2

  20. 02-21-2019 | Glycemic control | News | Article

    Quality of care may influence risk factors for diabetes complications

    Poorer quality of care is linked to greater variability in clinical parameters associated with the risk for complications among patients with type 2 diabetes, researchers report.

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