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108 search results for:

Lifestyle management 

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  1. 08-18-2018 | Bone health | Review | Article

    Lifestyle management of diabetes: implications for the bone-vascular axis

    Pieralice S et al. Curr Diab Rep 2018; 18: 84. doi: 10.1007/s11892-018-1060-y

  2. 02-14-2023 | Obesity | News | Article

    Obesity as prevalent in type 1 diabetes as general US population

    However, the researchers stress that only about half of study participants with overweight or obesity “received lifestyle recommendations from providers or engaged in lifestyle modification.”

  3. 08-09-2022 | Older adults | News | Article

    Lifestyle intervention strategy beneficial for older adults with diabetes

    Lifestyle intervention proves “highly successful” in adults with diabetes aged 65 to 85 years, improving both metabolic and functional health, report researchers.

  4. 07-29-2022 | Genetics | News | Article

    Healthy lifestyle may counteract genetic predisposition to type 2 diabetes

    A family history of diabetes is associated with a younger age at type 2 diabetes diagnosis, but this could be delayed by following a healthy lifestyle, suggest data from the Joint Asia Diabetes Evaluation Register.

  5. 02-11-2021 | Semaglutide | At a glance | Article
    Updated April 2023

    A quick guide to the STEP trials

    The findings revealed an average 14.9% reduction in bodyweight from baseline during 68 weeks of treatment with semaglutide 2.4 mg plus a lifestyle intervention, compared with just a 2.4% reduction in the placebo plus lifestyle intervention group.

  6. 04-05-2022 | Ethnic groups | Feature | Article

    Ethnicity and childhood type 2 diabetes: Causes and consequences

    Why and how does ethnicity influence risk and management approach for pediatric type 2 diabetes? We talk to childhood obesity specialist Julian Hamilton-Shield.

  7. 08-05-2022 | Obesity | News | Article

    Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty MERITs consideration for mild-to-moderate obesity

    People with mild-to-moderate obesity who undergo minimally invasive endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty in addition to lifestyle intervention achieve greater weight loss and metabolic improvements than those undergoing lifestyle modification alone, show the MERIT trial results.

  8. 08-12-2022 | Metabolic surgery | News | Article
    News in brief

    Use of sleeve gastrectomy may be valid for some people with class 1 obesity

    Study findings published in JAMA Network Open suggest that for people with class 1 obesity, sleeve gastrectomy is associated with greater weight loss and diabetes remission than lifestyle intervention, but the procedure is also linked to increased incidence of substance use disorder and self-harm.

  9. 12-14-2017 | Guidelines | Editorial | Article

    What is new in the 2018 American Diabetes Association Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes?

    If the A1C is ≥9.0%, then consider dual pharmacologic therapy plus lifestyle management.

  10. 07-25-2022 | Diabetes distress | News | Article

    Diabetes distress triggers may vary with type of diabetes

    The team identified three major themes relating to diabetes distress, namely, lack of control, management burden, and the value of social support.

  11. 12-15-2016 | Guidelines | Editorial | Article

    What is new in the 2017 American Diabetes Association Standards of Care?

    Lifestyle management: The Standards of Care have been reorganized to highlight the importance of lifestyle management of diabetes.

  12. 09-07-2021 | Nephropathy | Ask the expert | Article

    DKD treatment update: SGLT2 inhibitors and finerenone

    And DAPA CKD really reinforces that, along with lifestyle therapy, goal directed therapy for blood pressure, glycemia, lipids et cetera, RAS inhibition for people who have hypertension and albuminuria.

  13. 02-04-2022 | Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease | News | Article

    Doctors call for NAFLD care pathway in type 2 diabetes

    Physicians feel that nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is sidelined in type 2 diabetes management and should be formally incorporated into routine primary care pathways, say Australian researchers.

  14. 09-16-2021 | Risk factors | News | Article

    Age-specific risk profiles may be needed for effective diabetes prevention

    The influence metabolic factors have on type 2 diabetes risk falls as people get older, whereas lifestyle factors convey a greater risk with age, show data from a large, prospective cohort in China.

  15. 08-16-2021 | Type 2 diabetes | Teaser

    New additions to the Adis Journal Club

    A selection of topical peer-reviewed articles from the Adis journals, curated by the editors.

  16. 04-14-2022 | Hyperglycemia | View from the clinic | Article

    Managing hyperglycemia related to stress

    Discuss stress reduction strategies, such as mindfulness, exercise, improved sleep, and accessing support systems, while reinforcing healthy lifestyle interventions and medication adherence.

  17. 02-25-2021 | Semaglutide | Commentary | Article

    STEP 3: Semaglutide plus intensive lifestyle therapy for weight loss

    I think this is really the breakthrough in weight management that people with overweight and obesity have been waiting for.

  18. 06-07-2022 | ADA 2022 | News | Article

    ​​​​​​​ADA/KDIGO consensus: ‘Speaking the same language’ on CKD management

    The statement includes a treatment algorithm, based on promoting a healthy lifestyle, followed by escalating medication options.

  19. 02-11-2021 | Semaglutide | Commentary | Article

    STEP 1: Semaglutide for weight loss

    And certainly, in the UK, for example, in the NHS, where the liraglutide has been approved, it's only approved for use within specialist weight management services, where that lifestyle support is being provided.

  20. 09-13-2021 | Psychosocial care | News | Article

    Peer support enhances lifestyle intervention benefits for new type 2 diabetes

    People with newly detected type 2 diabetes may gain more from a lifestyle intervention if supported by peers who have had the condition for longer, suggest findings from a randomized trial.

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