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24 search results for:

Bone health 

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  1. 04-25-2018 | Bone health | Review | Article

    Diabetes mellitus and bone health: Epidemiology, etiology and implications for fracture risk stratification

    Skeletal fractures can result when there are co-morbid conditions that negatively impact bone strength.

  2. 03-27-2023 | Type 2 diabetes | News | Article

    Type 2 diabetes weakly linked to fracture risk

    People with diabetes who had at least two of these risk factors had a 20% or more increased risk for fracture compared with their control counterparts.

  3. 05-24-2022 | Bone health | News | Article

    Poor glycemic control, kidney disease linked to bone fragility in type 1 diabetes

    Higher glycated hemoglobin and the presence of kidney disease are associated with lower bone mineral density in people with type 1 diabetes, study results show.

  4. 09-07-2020 | Bone health | News | Article

    Type 2 diabetes adversely affects bone mass in youth

    Youth with type 2 diabetes have lower areal bone mineral density than those with obesity or who are of normal weight, according to the results of a cross-sectional study.

  5. 05-20-2022 | Immunotherapy | Hot topic review | Article

    How far has immunotherapy for type 1 diabetes progressed?

    In a phase 2 trial it significantly slowed C-peptide decline during 12 months of treatment [34] and follow-up of the participants for an additional year showed stable beta-cell function in those who continued to take verapamil versus a marked decline in those who stopped [35].

  6. 04-05-2022 | Metabolic surgery | Feature | Article

    Metabolic surgery for children: Finding the sweet spot

    And in the longer term, he notes that bone health is also a concern, with the potential for an increased risk for fracture.

  7. 06-15-2019 | Bone health | Article

    Analysis of fractures in patients with type 2 diabetes treated with empagliflozin in pooled data from placebo-controlled trials and a head-to-head study versus glimepiride

    Kohler S et al. Diabetes Care 2018: dc171525. doi: 10.2337/dc17-1525

  8. 01-21-2019 | Bone health | News | Article

    Poor glycemic control has diabetes type-specific effect on fracture risk

    For example, patients with type 1 diabetes experience rapid bone loss during the first few years after disease onset, whereas obesity-related insulin resistance during the early stages of type 2 diabetes has a protective effect on bone health.

  9. 01-02-2019 | Canagliflozin | News | Article

    No fracture risk found with canagliflozin in real-world data

    However, the authors of an editorial on the study, which is published in the Annals of Internal Medicine , note that although the results “may reassure health care providers,” they may not be completely conclusive.

  10. 08-18-2018 | Bone health | Review | Article

    Lifestyle management of diabetes: implications for the bone-vascular axis

    The aim is to describe the main pathways involved in the interplay between bone and cardiovascular disease and to highlight the possible impact of

  11. 07-23-2018 | SGLT2 inhibitors | Review | Article

    SGLT2 inhibitors in type 2 diabetes management: Key evidence and implications for clinical practice

    Wilding J et al. Diabetes Ther 2018. doi: 10.1007/s13300-018-0471-8

  12. 03-14-2017 | Bone health | Article

    Imaging of diabetic bone

    Ponti F et al. Endocrine 2017; 3: 426–441. doi: 10.1007/s12020-017-1278-5

  13. 11-17-2020 | Sotagliflozin | News | Article

    ​​​​​​​Sotagliflozin SCORED cardiovascular risk reduction in people with type 2 diabetes, CKD

    The investigators say that there were no significant between-group differences in the overall proportion of patients who experienced adverse events.

  14. 09-16-2016 | Dyslipidemia | Review | Article

    PPARs in obesity-induced T2DM, dyslipidaemia and NAFLD

    PPARγ agonists can also decrease bone quality and increase fracture risk in patients with T2DM 54  due to an increase in marrow adipocytes.

  15. 07-07-2021 | ADA 2021 | News | Article
    News in brief

    ​​​​​​​Better 5-year outcomes for RYGB with silastic ring vs sleeve gastrectomy in type 2 diabetes

    Complication rates were similar in both groups across the 5 years, but the reduction in bone mineral density was significantly greater in the RYGB than sleeve gastrectomy group.

  16. 11-08-2019 | Nephropathy | News | Article

    VITAL-DKD: No benefits of vitamin D, omega-3 in diabetic kidney disease

    They add: “It now seems safe to conclude that many prior epidemiological associations between vitamin D deficiency and adverse health outcomes were driven by unmeasured residual confounding or reverse causality.”

  17. 08-23-2019 | Canagliflozin | News | Article

    CANVAS canagliflozin fracture effect may be chance finding

    There were also no consistent effects of canagliflozin on markers of bone metabolism.

  18. 06-09-2019 | SGLT2 inhibitors | News | Article

    SGLT2 inhibitor, GLP-1 receptor agonist risk–benefits explored in older adults

    By contrast, there was no difference between the two treatments among people who already had CVD.

  19. 03-09-2017 | Osteoporosis | Review | Article

    Obesity, type 2 diabetes, and bone in adults

    In an increasingly obese and ageing population, type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and osteoporotic fracture are major public health concerns.

  20. 01-29-2018 | Diabetic foot ulcers | Editorial | Article

    Diabetes in special situations: Insulin in diabetic foot ulcers

    Ulcer phenotype Deep involvement of bone/joint/tendon Inflammation >2 cm around wound Crepitus Bullae Gangrene Ecchymosis/petechiae Presence of foreign body Ulcer behavior Acute onset Rapidly progressive Refractory to treatment Limb phenotype Arterial insufficiency Venous insufficiency Lymphedema Systemic health Altered dietary intake Acidosis Azotemia Electrolyte disorders Septicemia Microbiological phenotype: Multidrug-resistant organisms Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Gram-negative bacteria with extended-spectrum β-lactamases and carbapenamases Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Insulin users Individuals already on insulin will need intensification of therapy if their overall health and metabolic status is poor.

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