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424 search results for:

Diabetic complications 

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  1. 08-05-2021 | Depression | News | Article

    Consistent antidepressant use may help ward off diabetic complications

    The risk for macrovascular complications and mortality in people with diabetes and depression may be less for those who consistently take their antidepressant medications, research suggests.

  2. 07-29-2019 | Pathophysiology | News | Article

    Cluster analysis may help to predict diabetic complications

    Allocating people with diabetes to one of five previously described data-driven clusters may help to identify those at high immediate risk for developing diabetic neuropathy or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, say researchers.

  3. 02-26-2018 | Complications | Figure | Image

    Impact of diabetic complications

    Diabetic neuropathy, in conjunction with accelerated lower extremity arterial disease, accounts for more than 50% of all non-traumatic amputations in the USA.

    Springer Science + Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature
  4. 02-26-2018 | Nephropathy | Figure | Image

    The strong association between diabetic kidney disease and increased incidence and prevalence of other diabetic complications

    The increased risk of diabetic complications for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) means that the management of CKD in diabetes is never only focused on the kidney, but must also involve the proactive prevention, early detection and effective treatment of all diabetic complications.

    Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature
  5. 04-30-2018 | Adolescents | News | Article

    Economic status, poor mental health predict young adult diabetic complications

    Low socioeconomic status and mental health visits during adolescence are associated with an increased risk for diabetes-related complications and death in early adulthood, Canadian researchers report.

  6. 09-18-2017 | Glycemic control | EASD 2017 | Article

    J-DOIT3 supports intensive management to prevent diabetic complications

    The J-DIOT3 trial results support the findings from Steno-2, showing that intensive risk factor management can reduce the risk for complications in patients with type 2 diabetes.

  7. 11-21-2017 | Topic page

    Other diabetic complications

  8. 04-05-2023 | Flash glucose monitoring | News | Article

    Reduced acute complications for young people using CGM

    Data from the DPV cohort show a reduced risk for severe hypoglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis among children and young people with type 1 diabetes using continuous glucose monitoring rather than self-monitored blood glucose.

  9. 09-20-2023 | Latent autoimmune diabetes of adulthood | News | Article

    Latent autoimmune diabetes carries mortality and CVD risks comparable to type 2 diabetes

    “Hyperglycemia is the main cause of diabetic retinopathy, and the results may be explained by worse glycemic control in LADA,” say Wei et al.

  10. 01-17-2023 | Lifestyle interventions | News | Article

    Healthy lifestyle wards off type 2 diabetes microvascular complications

    Real-world data from the UK Biobank show the value of a healthy lifestyle in people with type 2 diabetes hoping to avoid microvascular complications.

  11. 02-28-2023 | Flash glucose monitoring | News | Article

    Real-world isCGM benefits shown for people with psychosocial diabetes issues

    People with high diabetes distress achieve reductions in glycated hemoglobin and the need for emergency care for acute diabetes complications after starting on intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring, report researchers.

  12. 09-09-2022 | COVID-19 | News | Article
    News in brief

    Microvascular complications linked to COVID-19 mortality risk in people with type 2 diabetes

    Study findings suggest that the presence of microvascular complications is associated with increased risk for all-cause mortality in people with type 2 diabetes hospitalized for COVID-19.

  13. 05-25-2021 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Severe COVID-19 risk ‘reassuringly low’ for many people with type 1 diabetes

    The risk of severe COVID-19 in people with type 1 diabetes is confined to older people and those with diabetic complications, suggest UK audit data.

  14. 03-21-2023 | Diabetes prevention | News | Article

    Verapamil promising for preserving beta-cell function in children

    There was one episode of severe hypoglycemia in each group and one episode of diabetic ketoacidosis in the placebo group.

  15. 12-09-2022 | Primary care | News | Article

    Diabetes remission code may hamper care quality

    “People in remission from type 2 diabetes are at high risk of returning to diabetic hyperglycaemia and therefore regular HbA1c measurements are imperative to allow appropriate treatment strategies to be implemented at the earliest opportunity,” write the researchers in Diabetic Medicine .

  16. 03-03-2023 | Healthcare systems | News | Article

    Health informatics system aids timely, equitable diabetes care

    “Tools such as ours, we feel, can identify new, emerging risk, but most importantly deliver equitable, fairer healthcare, improve healthcare efficiency, and reduce the burden of complications in people with diabetes,” concluded the presenter. medwireNews is an independent medical news service provided by Springer Healthcare Ltd. © 2023 Springer Healthcare Ltd, part of the Springer Nature Group ATTD 2023; Berlin, Germany: 22–25 February

  17. 09-20-2022 | EASD 2022 | News | Article

    Freestyle Libre cuts acute complication risk in insulin-treated type 2 diabetes

    People taking basal insulin to treat type 2 diabetes experience a significant reduction in the risk for acute complications, which is sustained for at least 2 years after initiating use of the Freestyle Libre, say French researchers.

  18. 01-14-2022 | Diabetic foot ulcers | News | Article

    Intensive glycemic control may prevent diabetic foot ulcers

    Early intensive glycemic control may reduce the long-term risk for foot ulcers in people with type 1 diabetes, suggest data from the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial and Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications study.

  19. 10-04-2022 | Healthcare costs | News | Article

    First-line SGLT2 inhibitors, GLP-1 receptor agonists ‘not cost effective’

    Fifty percent were women and 36% had diabetic complications.

  20. 08-09-2022 | Lixisenatide | At a glance | Article

    A quick guide to the GetGoal trials

    As reported in Diabetic Medicine , one or two titration steps prior to starting the target dose were equally tolerable to the trial participants.

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