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57 search results for:

Liraglutide (obesity) 

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  1. 06-05-2023 | Prediabetes | News | Article

    Caloric restriction outperforms liraglutide for weight loss in prediabetes

    Using liraglutide in people with obesity and prediabetes is a valuable strategy for weight loss, but improvements are greater with caloric restriction alone, suggest study results.

  2. 04-01-2021 | Liraglutide (obesity) | News | Article

    EMA approves liraglutide for teenagers with obesity

    medwireNews : The EMA’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use has recommended approval of liraglutide 3.0 mg  to treat obesity in children aged 12 years or older.

  3. 12-09-2020 | Liraglutide (obesity) | News | Article

    Liraglutide gets FDA go-ahead for teens with obesity

    The higher dose, used to combat obesity in adults, is now approved for this younger age group based on a trial published in January this year , which showed significant weight reductions with liraglutide 3.0 mg/day versus placebo, in line with the established effect in adults.

  4. 01-11-2022 | Semaglutide | News | Article

    STEP 8: Semaglutide better than liraglutide at weight-management doses

    Semaglutide 2.4 mg produces substantially more weight loss than liraglutide 3.0 mg in people with overweight or obesity but without diabetes, say the STEP 8 investigators.

  5. 10-13-2021 | Liraglutide (T2DM) | News | Article

    Liraglutide add-on may offer better control than OADs in type 2 diabetes

    The addition of liraglutide rather than extra oral antidiabetic drugs may offer more sustained glycemic control for people with type 2 diabetes who have inadequate control with metformin, suggest findings of the international LIRA-PRIME study.

  6. 08-16-2021 | Liraglutide (obesity) | News | Article

    Visceral fat reduction may contribute to liraglutide CV benefits

    A randomized trial demonstrates significant reductions in visceral adipose tissue in people with obesity but without diabetes taking the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist liraglutide.

  7. 05-05-2021 | Liraglutide (obesity) | News | Article

    Liraglutide beneficial for post-diet weight loss maintenance

    A randomized trial supports giving people with obesity liraglutide to maintain weight loss after an 8-week diet, particularly if it is combined with regular vigorous exercise.

  8. 02-16-2021 | Liraglutide (obesity) | News | Article

    Liraglutide warrants further investigation in obese people with severe mental illness

    Findings from a pilot study suggest that the GLP-1 receptor agonist liraglutide might be beneficial for the management of obesity in people with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or first-episode psychosis.

  9. 04-01-2020 | Liraglutide (obesity) | News | Article

    Liraglutide for weight loss successful in obese adolescents

    Liraglutide 3.0 mg boosts weight loss in obese adolescents receiving lifestyle therapy, show the findings of a phase 3 trial.

  10. 09-18-2019 | Semaglutide | EASD 2019 | Article
    News in brief

    Semaglutide tops liraglutide in SUSTAIN 10

    Findings from the SUSTAIN 10 trial show that semaglutide results in better glycemic control than liraglutide when added to oral antidiabetic drugs in people with type 2 diabetes.

  11. 03-11-2020 | Liraglutide (obesity) | News | Article

    Liraglutide 3.0 mg boosts weight loss in insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes

    Adding liraglutide 3.0 mg to intensive behavioral therapy increases weight loss in overweight or obese people with insulin-treated type 2 diabetes, results of the phase 3 SCALE Insulin trial show.

  12. 07-18-2019 | Liraglutide (obesity) | News | Article

    Brain may put brakes on liraglutide weight loss effect

    A small neuroimaging study suggests that taking liraglutide over the medium to long term may provoke a counter-regulatory response in the brain, diminishing the medication’s weight loss effect.

  13. 11-22-2019 | Liraglutide (obesity) | News | Article

    Add-on liraglutide benefits overweight insulin pump users with poor glycemic control

    Adding liraglutide to continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion significantly reduces glycated hemoglobin without increasing hypoglycemia in overweight and obese people with type 1 diabetes and suboptimal glycemic control, Danish research shows.

  14. 06-06-2019 | Liraglutide (T2DM) | News | Article

    Liraglutide may be an option for people with unresolved type 2 diabetes after metabolic surgery

    Findings from the GRAVITAS trial indicate that use of the GLP-1 receptor agonist liraglutide alongside a diet and physical activity intervention may improve glycemic control among people with persistent or recurrent type 2 diabetes after bariatric surgery.

  15. 07-12-2018 | Liraglutide (T2DM) | News | Article

    Predictors of liraglutide response in clinical practice reported

    Factors including bodyweight and treatment duration predict response to liraglutide in patients with type 2 diabetes treated in clinical practice, report researchers.

  16. 05-18-2018 | Liraglutide (T2DM) | News | Article

    Real-world data support liraglutide use in obese patients

    Obese patients with type 2 diabetes who receive treatment intensification with liraglutide may have better glycemic control than those given basal insulin, researchers report.

  17. 05-10-2017 | Liraglutide (T2DM) | News | Article

    Liraglutide link with pancreatitis unlikely

    Taking the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist liraglutide does not increase patients’ risk for acute pancreatitis during more than 3 years of treatment, show two reports analyzing the LEADER and SCALE trials.

  18. 02-23-2017 | Liraglutide (obesity) | News | Article

    Liraglutide boosts preventive power of lifestyle intervention in prediabetes

    Liraglutide enhances the positive effects of lifestyle intervention on weight loss and glycemic control in patients with prediabetes, show the 3-year outcomes of the SCALE Obesity and Prediabetes trial.

  19. 03-05-2018 | Obesity | Review | Article

    Future pharmacotherapy for obesity: New anti-obesity drugs on the horizon

    Obesity is a global health crisis with detrimental effects on all organ systems leading to worsening disease state and rising costs of care.

  20. 05-09-2018 | Liraglutide (T2DM) | Article

    Real-world clinical effectiveness and cost savings of liraglutide versus sitagliptin in treating type 2 diabetes for 1 and 2 years

    Introduction: This study compared the clinical and economic outcomes of long-term use of liraglutide versus sitagliptin for the treatment of type 2

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