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Emotional and psychosocial support in the news

Teenager receiving psychotherapy

08-01-2018 | Adolescents | Highlight | News

Motivational interviewing intervention fails to improve HbA1c in adolescents

The Flexible Lifestyles Empowering Change intervention has failed to improve glycated hemoglobin levels in a randomized trial involving adolescents with type 1 diabetes, despite improving some psychosocial outcomes.

06-24-2018 | Adolescents | ADA 2018 | News

Adolescents with diabetes often not getting the psychotherapy services they need

Only a very small proportion of adolescents and young adults with diabetes who are referred for outpatient psychotherapy actually receive these services, even when there is an integrated pediatric psychologist in the clinic, research shows.

01-12-2018 | Diet | News

Group CBT fails to halt weight regain

Findings of a randomized trial indicate that engaging in group cognitive behavioral therapy does not help people to maintain weight loss after a very-low-calorie diet.

10-10-2017 | Diabetes distress | News

Psychological interventions have small benefits on self-care, glucose control

Psychological interventions might have a small positive effect on improving self-care and glucose control in patients with type 2 diabetes, but not for relieving diabetes-related distress, suggest findings from The Cochrane Library.

07-14-2017 | Psychological support | News

Guided self-determination has benefits for type 1 diabetes patients

Supported problem-solving does not result in improved glycemic control in patients with type 1 diabetes, but does reduce diabetes distress, show the findings of a randomized trial.

06-23-2017 | Obesity | News

Poor-quality evidence for lifestyle interventions in overweight children

Cochrane reviewers have assessed the effectiveness of behavior-changing interventions in overweight and obese children, finding an indication of benefit but based on mostly low-quality evidence.


04-28-2017 | Psychological support | News

CBT may help type 1 diabetes patients with chronic fatigue

Findings from a randomized trial suggest that cognitive behavioral therapy may significantly alleviate chronic fatigue in patients with type 1 diabetes.

04-28-2017 | Psychological support | News

CBT could help diabetic adolescents with glycaemic control

Cognitive behavioral therapy may be a more effective intervention than non-directive, supportive counselling to help adolescents with type 1 diabetes to maintain glycemic control, a randomized control trial shows.