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6 search results for:

Glucokinase activators 

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  1. 22-08-2022 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Glucokinase activator may improve severe COVID-19 outcomes in people with diabetes

    Findings from the phase 2 ARCADIA trial suggest that treatment with a glucokinase activator may aid the recovery of people with diabetes who are hospitalized with severe COVID-19.

  2. 13-05-2022 | Dorzagliatin | News | Article

    DAWN: Support for dorzagliatin–metformin combination therapy in type 2 diabetes

    People with type 2 diabetes who have suboptimal glycemic control on metformin alone may benefit from add-on treatment with the dual-acting glucokinase activator dorzagliatin, report the DAWN investigators.

  3. 17-01-2019 | Glucokinase activators | News | Article

    Hepatic glucokinase activation may improve glycemic control in type 2 diabetes

    The hepatoselective glucokinase activator TTP399 reduces glycated hemoglobin levels without increasing the risk for hypoglycemia among patients with type 2 diabetes, suggest findings from the phase IIb AGATA trial.

  4. 15-06-2020 | ADA 2020 | Conference coverage | Article

    SEED trial: Dorzagliatin shows potential for type 2 diabetes

    Findings from the SEED trial provide further evidence to suggest that the dual-acting glucokinase activator dorzagliatin improves glycemic control compared with placebo and has a favorable safety profile in people with type 2 diabetes.

  5. 08-05-2018 | Dorzagliatin | News | Article

    Glucokinase activation could be back in play for type 2 diabetes

    Phase II study findings indicate that the dual-acting glucokinase activator dorzagliatin has a sustained effect on glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes, without the adverse events previously associated with the medication class.

  6. 10-05-2018 | Dorzagliatin | Article
    Expert commentary

    Dorzagliatin: Another hurdle overcome, but the finishing line is far

    The glucokinase activators are a novel class of glucose-lowering drugs which are still in development.

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