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  1. 22-08-2022 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Glucokinase activator may improve severe COVID-19 outcomes in people with diabetes

    Findings from the phase 2 ARCADIA trial suggest that treatment with a glucokinase activator may aid the recovery of people with diabetes who are hospitalized with severe COVID-19.

  2. 09-09-2022 | COVID-19 | News | Article
    News in brief

    Microvascular complications linked to COVID-19 mortality risk in people with type 2 diabetes

    Study findings suggest that the presence of microvascular complications is associated with increased risk for all-cause mortality in people with type 2 diabetes hospitalized for COVID-19.

  3. 24-03-2022 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Studies flag potential post-COVID-19 type 2 diabetes risk

    Two large cohort studies have demonstrated an increased likelihood of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in the months following SARS-CoV-2 infection.

  4. 08-03-2022 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Threshold effect for HbA1c association with poor COVID-19 outcomes

    Researchers confirm that higher glycated hemoglobin levels are associated with a higher risk for poor outcomes in people with type 2 diabetes and COVID-19, but the risk does not increase further beyond a certain threshold.

  5. 20-01-2022 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    No impact of diabetes, glycemic control on COVID-19 vaccine response

    Findings from the COVAC-DM study suggest that people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes have an antibody response to COVID-19 vaccination that is similar to healthy individuals, with no association between glycemic control and antibody levels.

  6. 10-01-2022 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    COVID-19 vaccination may lead to temporary changes in glucose control

    The proportion of on-target interstitial glucose values falls during the week following initial COVID-19 vaccination in people with type 1 diabetes, study findings indicate.

  7. 18-10-2021 | COVID-19 | News | Article
    News in brief

    Glycemic control may affect COVID-19 vaccination effectiveness in type 2 diabetes

    Response to vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 may be impaired in people with type 2 diabetes and poor glycemic control, but potentially improved if glucose levels are controlled, say researchers.

  8. 09-07-2021 | COVID-19 | Ask the expert | Article

    An update on COVID-19 and diabetes

    Stefan Bornstein provides an overview of the current understanding about COVID-19 and diabetes, including medications, vaccines, and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection on diabetic ketoacidosis.

  9. 25-05-2021 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Severe COVID-19 risk ‘reassuringly low’ for many people with type 1 diabetes

    The risk of severe COVID-19 in people with type 1 diabetes is confined to older people and those with diabetic complications, suggest UK audit data.

  10. 01-04-2021 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Diabetes medications unlikely to greatly influence COVID-19 mortality risk

    Research shows that COVID-19 mortality risk in people with type 2 diabetes varies only a little according to which antiglycemic medications they are taking at the time.

  11. 15-02-2021 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Glycemic fluctuations linked to poor COVID-19 outcomes

    Elevated glucose levels and glycemic fluctuations during the first week of hospitalization for COVID-19 are associated with an increased risk for unfavorable outcomes, research suggests.

  12. 14-04-2021 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Psychologic wellbeing may influence type 2 diabetes glucose control during COVID-19 lockdown

    COVID-19 restrictions do not significantly impact glycated hemoglobin levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes, but those with poor psychologic wellbeing may experience worsening glycemic control, suggest findings from an Italian study.

  13. 18-02-2021 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Metformin among factors linked to favorable COVID-19 outcomes

    The latest report from the CORONADO study reveals factors predictive of home discharge within 28 days among people with diabetes hospitalized with COVID-19, as well as those linked to mortality risk.

  14. 04-01-2021 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    COVID-19 risk not equal among people with diabetes

    The risk for fatal or critical care unit-treated COVID-19 varies among people with diabetes and can be reasonably well predicted by their clinical history, UK study findings indicate.

  15. 08-02-2021 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    No need to discontinue DPP-4 inhibitors during hospitalization for COVID-19

    Results from the CORONADO study indicate that use of DPP-4 inhibitors does not affect outcomes for people with type 2 diabetes admitted to hospital with COVID-19.

  16. 30-10-2020 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Diabetes does not impair COVID-19 antibody response

    The humoral immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection is similar in people with and without diabetes and is not influenced by hyperglycemia, research suggests.

  17. 08-12-2020 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Metformin might protect women with type 2 diabetes against COVID-19 mortality

    An observational study suggests that prior metformin use may offer a protective effect against COVID-19 mortality in people with type 2 diabetes, but only for women.

  18. 30-09-2020 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Early findings suggest sitagliptin benefits for COVID-19 in diabetes

    Findings from a retrospective case–control study suggest that the DPP-4 inhibitor sitagliptin may improve outcomes in people with type 2 diabetes who are hospitalized with COVID-19.

  19. 26-09-2020 | EASD 2020 | Conference coverage | Article

    COVID-19: Study evaluates telemedicine use by people with type 1 diabetes

    A questionnaire study provides insights into the use and perception of telemedicine among people with type 1 diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  20. 21-10-2020 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Obesity may be less impactful for older COVID-19 patients with type 2 diabetes

    Obesity is a significant predictor of poor COVID-19 outcomes in patients who also have type 2 diabetes, but only in those up to the age of 75 years, report French researchers.

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