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Type 2 diabetes and physical activity


Healthy diet

09-10-2018 | Diabetes prevention | EASD 2018 | News

Mixed results from the diabetes prevention PREVIEW project

The PREVIEW project investigators have reported broadly positive results, but tempered by issues such as a high dropout rate.

03-10-2018 | Risk factors | EASD 2018 | News

Diabetes linked to elevated arthritis, osteoporosis risk

Patients with diabetes have an increased risk for arthritis, osteoporosis, and musculoskeletal pain, study findings indicate.

13-09-2018 | Physical activity | News

Sedentary time, physical activity, fitness all impact type 2 diabetes risk

Sedentary time, higher intensity physical activity (HPA), and cardiorespiratory fitness all independently affect the risk for type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome, data from The Maastricht Study show.

08-08-2018 | Physical activity | News

Physical activity of high importance in prediabetes

Physical inactivity is a “significant but underappreciated contributor” to the risk of developing diabetes in people who are already at high risk and should be routinely measured in clinical trials, say the NAVIGATOR investigators.

05-01-2018 | Lifestyle interventions | News

December Cochrane round-up

The authors of the single diabetes-related Cochrane review published in December find moderate-quality evidence for the ability of diet plus exercise to ward off type 2 diabetes in people with impaired glucose tolerance.

06-11-2017 | Prediabetes | News

Lifestyle interventions have most staying power for diabetes prevention

A meta-analysis shows that although medications and lifestyle changes can both reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes in high-risk patients, only lifestyle modifications have a sustained effect.

31-10-2017 | Physical activity | News

Active commuting benefits confirmed in randomized trial

A randomized controlled trial confirms previous observational findings that active commuting is an effective means of reducing body fat, equivalent to doing five sessions of vigorous activity per week.

16-10-2017 | Physical activity | News

Walking or cycling to work pays off for type 2 diabetes patients

Patients with type 2 diabetes should be encouraged to walk or cycle to work to help reduce the burden of the disease.

16-08-2017 | Lifestyle interventions | News

Lifestyle intervention has modest impact on glycemic control in type 2 diabetes

Adding an intensive lifestyle intervention to usual care slightly improves glycemic control but substantially reduces the need for glucose-lowering medication among patients with non–insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes, suggest trial results published as a preliminary communication in JAMA.

26-07-2017 | Adolescents | News

Poor lifestyle intervention adherence may dilute effectiveness in youths with type 2 diabetes

Session attendance was only moderate and self-monitoring very poor in youths with type 2 diabetes who participated in the TODAY lifestyle programme, an analysis shows.

20-07-2017 | Cardiovascular outcomes | News

Machine learning hints at complex treatment effects in Look AHEAD

A machine-learning analysis suggests the existence of heterogeneous treatment effects in the Look AHEAD trial, which could account for the overall neutral effect of the study intervention on cardiovascular outcomes.

05-06-2017 | Statins | News

Keeping fit could ward off statin-related diabetes risk

Researchers find that the increased risk for type 2 diabetes among patients taking statins is limited to the least fit individuals.

31-05-2017 | Physical activity | News

Seated exercise can aid glycemic control

Research suggests that interspersing prolonged sitting with upper body exercise can help people with limited mobility or weight-bearing problems to limit their postprandial glycemic response.

12-01-2017 | Physical activity | News

‘Weekend warriors’ do battle with mortality risk

Research shows that people who pack their weekly recommended minimum dose of exercise into one or two sessions still reap a good proportion of the benefits – although more frequent exercise would still be better.

21-12-2016 | Physical activity | News

Interrupting sitting has lasting metabolic benefits

Researchers have expanded on their previous findings to demonstrate that the metabolic benefits of interrupting prolonged sitting with periods of light exercise extend for many hours after the intervention.

18-10-2016 | Physical activity | News

Postprandial exercise best for diabetes patients

Researchers believe that guidelines for Type 2 diabetes should specify that exercise should be taken after eating, especially if the meal contains a lot of carbohydrate.

05-10-2016 | Physical activity | News

Activity trackers disappoint in randomised trial

Wearing activity monitors does not lead to improved health outcomes, despite a modest increase in wearers’ activity levels, shows a large randomised trial.