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336 search results for:

Diabetes prevention 

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  1. 02-12-2021 | Dapagliflozin | News | Article

    Pooled analysis supports diabetes prevention effect of dapagliflozin

    A pooled analysis of the DAPA-HF and DAPA-CKD trials suggests that taking the SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin reduced the participants’ risk for developing type 2 diabetes by around a third.

  2. 17-11-2021 | Diabetes prevention | News | Article

    Lowering blood pressure may help type 2 diabetes prevention

    Reducing blood pressure may be an effective strategy for the prevention of new-onset type 2 diabetes, suggest researchers from the Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment Trialists’ Collaboration.

  3. 30-09-2021 | EASD 2021 | News | Article

    AF, PAD, diabetes prevention data reported from DAPA-CKD

    The latest DAPA-CKD data show the large absolute benefits of dapagliflozin treatment in people with peripheral artery disease or atrial fibrillation, and that the medication may reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes in people with initial prediabetes.

  4. 16-09-2021 | Risk factors | News | Article

    Age-specific risk profiles may be needed for effective diabetes prevention

    The influence metabolic factors have on type 2 diabetes risk falls as people get older, whereas lifestyle factors convey a greater risk with age, show data from a large, prospective cohort in China.

  5. 21-12-2020 | Medications | News | Article

    Testosterone promising for diabetes prevention pending safety clarification

    A randomized trial indicates that testosterone treatment among men with prediabetes or newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes significantly reduces the risk for them having type 2 diabetes 2 years later.

  6. 12-11-2020 | Diabetes prevention | News | Article

    Randomized type 2 diabetes prevention trial addresses knowledge gap

    Lifestyle intervention significantly reduces the risk for type 2 diabetes in people who have prediabetes based on fasting plasma glucose or glycated hemoglobin measurements, show findings from a randomized trial.

  7. 10-07-2020 | Prediabetes | News | Article

    Key danger times identified for US Diabetes Prevention Program dropout

    Focusing efforts on convincing people to return after the first session of the US National Diabetes Prevention Program lifestyle change program, and after the transition to less frequent sessions, may help to optimize program retention, say researchers.

  8. 28-08-2019 | Depression | News | Article

    Depressive symptoms confound diabetes prevention efforts

    The effectiveness of interventions to increase objectively measured physical activity in people at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes declines in line with symptoms of depression within the normal range, say researchers.

  9. 08-06-2019 | Prediabetes | ADA 2019 | Article

    No evidence for Vitamin D in type 2 diabetes prevention

    High-dose vitamin D supplementation does not significantly reduce the risk for developing type 2 diabetes among people with prediabetes, show D2d trial data.

  10. 07-03-2019 | Diabetes prevention | News | Article

    UK diabetes prevention update underscores importance of program retention

    The latest update from the UK’s National Health Service Diabetes Prevention Programme shows that persistence pays, and reveals weight loss and a reduction in glycated hemoglobin levels for people who have so far completed the intervention.

  11. 16-01-2019 | Diabetes prevention | News | Article

    Observational data highlight importance of diabetes prevention in midlife

    Individuals who maintain a blood glucose level below the diabetes threshold during middle age have a lower risk for cardiovascular disease than those who convert to diabetes during this time, observational study data show.

  12. 09-10-2018 | Diabetes prevention | News | Article

    Mixed results from the diabetes prevention PREVIEW project

    By Eleanor McDermid medwireNews is an independent medical news service provided by Springer Healthcare. © 2018 Springer Healthcare part of the Springer Nature group See also: DiRECT trial: Diabetes remission achievable in primary care Lifestyle interventions have most staying power for diabetes prevention Teaming up with commercial weight management providers aids type 2 diabetes prevention Study highlights power of weight maintenance in diabetes prevention

  13. 26-08-2018 | Cardiovascular disorders | Article

    Effects of aspirin for primary prevention in persons with diabetes mellitus

    The ASCEND Study Collaborative Group. N Eng J Med 2018. doi:  10.1056/NEJMoa1804988

  14. 08-08-2018 | Diabetes prevention | Review | Article

    Practical tips for implementing the Diabetes Prevention Program in clinical practice

    The Diabetes Prevention Program is an evidence-based lifestyle change program for prediabetes that is associated with a 58% reduction in 3-year

  15. 18-11-2017 | Diet | Book chapter | Article

    Fiber in type 2 diabetes prevention and management

    The prevalence of prediabetes and diabetes has increased globally in parallel with the rising levels of obesity in adults and children, a phenomenon

  16. 18-06-2018 | Lifestyle interventions | Article

    Long-term outcomes of lifestyle intervention to prevent diabetes in American Indian and Alaska Native communities: The Special Diabetes Program for Indians Diabetes Prevention Program

    Jiang L et al. Diabetes Care 2018; 41: 1462–1470. doi: 10.2337/dc17-2685

  17. 16-08-2018 | Gestational diabetes | Review | Article

    Prediction and prevention of type 2 diabetes in women with a history of GDM

    Women with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus have an alarmingly high risk of developing type 2 diabetes; yet, mechanisms underlying this

  18. 21-06-2018 | Hypoglycemia | Review | Article

    Hypoglycemia among patients with type 2 diabetes: Epidemiology, risk factors, and prevention strategies

    Hypoglycemia is the most common and often treatment-limiting serious adverse effect of diabetes therapy.

  19. 06-11-2017 | Prediabetes | News | Article

    Lifestyle interventions have most staying power for diabetes prevention

    A meta-analysis shows that although medications and lifestyle changes can both reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes in high-risk patients, only lifestyle modifications have a sustained effect.

  20. 23-09-2017 | Mobile technology | Review | Article

    A review of technology-assisted interventions for diabetes prevention

    The high prevalence of prediabetes and success of the diabetes prevention program (DPP) has led to increasing efforts to provide readily accessible,

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