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94 search results for:

Early onset 

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  1. 29-10-2021 | Retinopathy | News | Article
    News in brief

    Sight-threatening retinopathy an early risk for youth-onset type 2 diabetes

    But by the time of the second exam, at an average age of just 25.4 years, 49% had diabetic retinopathy, with 1.4% having progressed to severe nonproliferative retinopathy, 2.7% to early or stable treated proliferative retinopathy, and 1.0% to high-risk proliferative retinopathy.

  2. 27-04-2021 | Mental health | News | Article

    Dementia added to list of early-onset diabetes dangers

    But age at diabetes onset modified the dementia risk.

  3. 26-10-2020 | Early onset | News | Article

    Researchers propose early-onset type 2 diabetes phenotype

    Younger age at onset of type 2 diabetes is associated with a significantly increased risk for cardiovascular death, as well as an increased likelihood of having offspring who will also develop diabetes, Framingham Heart Study data show.

  4. 25-09-2020 | EASD 2020 | Conference coverage | Article
    News in brief

    Ethnicity, obesity linked to risk for early-onset type 2 diabetes

    The development of type 2 diabetes at a young age disproportionately affects people of South Asian and African–Caribbean ethnicity, and obesity is associated with early-onset diabetes in all ethnic groups, indicates research presented at the virtual 56th EASD Annual Meeting.

  5. 18-09-2019 | Pathophysiology | EASD 2019 | Article

    ‘Strikingly different’ drivers of early type 2 diabetes onset in Asians, Europeans

    The “classic” metabolic contributors to early-onset type 2 diabetes risk in European people explain little of the risk in Asian people, shows a comparison of Scottish and Asian Indian cohorts.

  6. 29-10-2019 | Type 1 diabetes | News | Article

    Adult-onset type 1 diabetes may benefit from more intense monitoring in the early days

    Research suggests that individuals with adult-onset type 1 diabetes could benefit from more intense monitoring, as only a minority meet recommended targets for glycemic control despite initial improvements, while at the same time the majority become overweight or obese.

  7. 09-04-2019 | Cardiovascular outcomes | News | Article

    Registry study confirms high CVD, mortality risk of early-onset type 2 diabetes

    . © 2019 Springer Healthcare part of the Springer Nature group Circulation 2019; doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.037885 See also: Longer duration of type 2 diabetes associated with higher mortality risk Early diabetes onset linked to increased mortality risk High risk with earlier diabetes onset seen in older population

  8. 15-03-2018 | Type 2 diabetes | News | Article
    DUKPC 2018 in brief

    Early diabetes onset linked to increased mortality risk

    Study results presented at the 2018 Diabetes UK Professional Conference in London confirm that people who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at a younger age have an increased mortality risk.

  9. 12-01-2018 | Type 2 diabetes | News | Article
    News in brief

    Early-onset type 2 diabetes ‘more pathogenic’

    The differences were also independent of socioeconomic variables and country of birth, say Soffia Gudbjörnsdottir (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) and co-researchers, and therefore “support the notion that early-onset type 2 diabetes may be a more pathogenic condition per se than later-onset type 2 diabetes.”

  10. 13-04-2017 | Epidemiology | News | Article

    Early-onset diabetes on the rise, but hope for reduced long-term impact

    But the editorialists were concerned by “the fact that the incidence of type 1 diabetes appears to be increasing, with apparent disparities among ethnic groups that are not likely to be explained by the obesity epidemic,” and pose the question: “What will happen to the increasing number of persons with early-onset diabetes as they age?”

  11. 02-10-2017 | Gestational diabetes | Review | Article

    Screening and treatment for early-onset gestational diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis

    We conducted a systematic review to evaluate the current evidence for screening and treatment for early-onset gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).

  12. 19-12-2022 | Early onset | News | Article

    Global type 2 diabetes burden increasing in adolescents and young adults

    “Therefore, weight control and management are essential in reducing the burden of early onset type 2 diabetes,” say the researchers.

  13. 23-10-2023 | Type 1 diabetes | News | Article

    Teplizumab may PROTECT β-cell function in youth with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes

    Early treatment with the anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody teplizumab may help to preserve β-cell function in children and adolescents with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes, results of the phase 3 PROTECT study show.

  14. 08-11-2021 | Genetics | News | Article

    Novel diabetes gene identified

    Mutations in the ONECUT1 gene can underlie neonatal diabetes and contribute to the risk for early-onset type 2 diabetes, research shows.

  15. 20-05-2022 | Immunotherapy | Hot topic review | Article

    How far has immunotherapy for type 1 diabetes progressed?

    However, the field is at a relatively early stage, with the vast majority of published studies being phase 2 or earlier.

  16. 06-04-2022 | Early onset | Teaser

    The challenge of type 2 diabetes in children

    Who is at the highest risk for developing type 2 diabetes in their youth? 

  17. 04-04-2022 | Dapagliflozin | News | Article

    Phase 3 trial supports dapagliflozin in young people with type 2 diabetes

    And they add that, given the poor cardiovascular risk profile in people with young-onset type 2 diabetes , “the non-glycaemic benefits of dapagliflozin reported in adults with or without type 2 diabetes, is an important consideration.” medwireNews is an independent medical news service provided by Springer Healthcare Ltd. © 2022 Springer Healthcare Ltd, part of the Springer Nature Group Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2022; doi:10.1016/S2213-8587(22)00052-3 Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2022; doi:10.1016/S2213-8587(22)00075-4

  18. 21-03-2022 | Ethnic groups | News | Article

    Poor beta-cell function blamed for type 2 diabetes in young lean Asian Indians

    Type 2 diabetes in young, lean people is much more common in Asian Indians than in White Europeans, say researchers who found that genetically determined beta-cell function may be to blame.

  19. 05-12-2019 | Cardiovascular disorders | News | Article

    Children of mothers with diabetes may have elevated CVD risk

    Children born to mothers with diabetes have a higher risk for early-onset, non-congenital cardiovascular disease in childhood and early adulthood than those born to mothers without diabetes, suggest findings from a large observational study.

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