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David Matthews

30-09-2018 | UKPDS | Feature | Article

The UKPDS: A lasting legacy

Twenty years after the publication of the primary findings, medwireNews talks to longtime UKPDS investigator Professor David Matthews (University of Oxford, UK) about the struggles of the team to bring the trial to completion and the impact of the findings on diabetes care.

Global health

31-08-2018 | Medications | Highlight | News

Poor availability, affordability compromise global diabetes medication use

Diabetes medications are frequently unavailable and unaffordable, particularly in lower-income countries, shows an analysis of the PURE study.

Metformin formula

18-07-2018 | Sulfonylureas | Highlight | News

Continuing metformin advisable for patients starting sulfonylurea treatment

Research shows that starting second-line sulfonylurea treatment is associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular and hypoglycemic events among patients with type 2 diabetes in clinical practice, although the risk is less if they continue using metformin rather than switching completely.

Newborn baby

05-06-2018 | Neonatal diabetes | Highlight | News

Reassuring long-term data for sulfonylurea in neonatal diabetes

Sulfonylurea treatment is durably effective with a low rate of side effects in patients with permanent neonatal diabetes caused by mutations in the KCNJ11 gene, a study in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology shows.

Diabetes and pregnancy_AdobeStock_158940533

01-05-2018 | Glyburide | Highlight | News

Glyburide ‘not justified’ as first-line gestational diabetes treatment

A head-to-head trial in women with gestational diabetes has failed to prove that glyburide is statistically noninferior to insulin in terms of perinatal outcomes.

Clinical management of women with monogenic diabetes during pregnancy

15-02-2018 | MODY | Review | Article

Clinical management of women with monogenic diabetes during pregnancy

Dickens LT, Naylor RN. Curr Diab Rep 2018; 18: 12. doi: 10.1007/s11892-018-0982-8

Pill in hand (symbolic image with model)

13-02-2018 | Older adults | Editorial | Article

Does setting treatment targets risk the overtreatment of type 2 diabetes in older patients?

The drive to achieve lower HbA1c targets in older patients is not without concern or risk. Our UK Board address concerns highlighted by recent trials and discuss whether current guidelines do enough to mitigate the risks of overtreatment.