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Type 2 diabetes and metabolic surgery


Bariatric surgery

27-11-2019 | Metabolic surgery | Highlight | News

Preoperative diabetes duration may affect remission rates after bariatric surgery

Swedish research suggests that determining type 2 diabetes duration prior to bariatric surgery could help prioritize those patients most likely to achieve diabetes remission.

Gastric bypass surgery (used with permission)

31-10-2019 | Metabolic surgery | Highlight | News

Trial results support gastric bypass as ‘procedure of choice’ for diabetes remission

People with obesity and type 2 diabetes who undergo gastric bypass surgery have higher rates of diabetes remission after 1 year than those undergoing sleeve gastrectomy, indicate findings from the Oseberg trial.

Obesity surgery

05-09-2019 | Obesity | Highlight | News

Metabolic surgery may improve cardiovascular prognosis in type 2 diabetes

People with type 2 diabetes and obesity who undergo metabolic surgery have a significantly lower risk for major adverse cardiovascular events than those who do not receive surgery, observational study data show.

Gastric bypass surgery (used with permission)

12-08-2019 | Metabolic surgery | Highlight | News

Bariatric surgery linked to late adverse events

People who undergo bariatric surgery have a lower long-term risk for mortality, but a higher risk for adverse events such as gastrointestinal and nutritional disorders, compared with those who do not undergo surgery, researchers report.

Read the linked commentary from John Wilding

Obesity surgery

16-10-2018 | Metabolic surgery | medwireNews | News

Marked reduction in vascular events in diabetes patients after bariatric surgery

An observational study published in JAMA demonstrates a substantial reduction in the risk for hard cardiovascular endpoints in obese patients with type 2 diabetes who have undergone bariatric surgery.

Surgical tools

10-10-2018 | Laparascopic gastric band | EASD 2018 | News

Gastric banding has little effect on beta-cell decline in early type 2 diabetes

The results of the adult surgery study from the RISE consortium show that gastric banding has only a small effect on the deterioration of beta-cell function relative to metformin, despite causing markedly greater weight loss.

Surgical tools

06-08-2018 | Metabolic surgery | Highlight | News

Real-world bariatric surgery data show microvascular protection

Obese patients with type 2 diabetes who undergo bariatric surgery achieve large reductions in their risk for microvascular complications, shows a real-world study.

17-07-2018 | Obesity | Review | Article

Weight management in patients with type 2 diabetes: A multidisciplinary real-world approach

Hamdy O, Ashrafzadeh S, Mottalib A. Curr Diab Rep 2018; 18: 66. doi: 10.1007/s11892-018-1030-4

Gastric bypass surgery (used with permission)

26-07-2017 | Metabolic surgery | Editorial | Article

Why don’t we offer bariatric surgery to more people with diabetes in the UK?

Editorial Board member John Wilding discusses the place of bariatric surgery in the treatment of type 2 diabetes and whether we should be offering more people surgery as a treatment option in the UK.