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8 search results for:

Katharine Barnard-Kelly 

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  1. 04-06-2021 | ATTD 2021 | News | Article

    ‘Smart’ questionnaire could refocus diabetes consultations

    “We believe [this tool is] the missing link in diabetes management clinical care currently,” said Katharine Barnard-Kelly (Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, UK), who presented the results at the virtual 2021 ATTD conference.

  2. 14-07-2021 | Mental health | Feature | Article

    Suicide in diabetes: An important but under-recorded problem

    Katharine Barnard-Kelly talks about RESCUE In this brief overview, we look at the scale of the problem, why the scale can be difficult to accurately define, and where the focus of current and forthcoming research lies.

  3. 03-05-2019 | Devices and technology | Editorial | Article

    Exposure to diabetes technologies: Where now for adult services?

    What does the proliferation of diabetes self-management and monitoring technologies in pediatric care mean for the future of adult services? Katharine Barnard looks at the situation in England and Wales.

  4. 22-08-2018 | Psychosocial care | Editorial | Article

    Shared decision-making in patient-centered care

    Is the medical model of care failing diabetes patients in its current form? Advisory Board member Katharine Barnard considers this, and the future of clinical decision support.

  5. 24-07-2018 | Devices and technology | Editorial | Article

    The right device at the right time: Optimizing the benefit

    Advisory Board member Katharine Barnard scrutinizes the opinion that clinicians should be relying on glycemic outcomes when weighing the decision to prescribe a diabetes device.

  6. 21-02-2019 | Psychosocial care | ATTD 2019 | Article

    Expert highlights: Psychology and patient-reported outcome symposia at ATTD

    Kath Barnard talks about why is it important to feature psychologic research and patient-reported outcomes at a diabetes technology conference (1:44).

  7. 28-03-2018 | Devices and technology | View from the clinic | Article

    Managing patient expectations for glucose management via a device

    As the utility and availability of devices surges, so too do patient expectations. Advisory Board member Katharine Barnard provides key consultation questions to help determine your patients’ greatest needs and obstacles.

  8. 15-02-2019 | Patient-reported outcomes | Commentary | Article

    ‘Race to the bottom’ demotes patient-reported outcomes

    Katharine Barnard comments on the effects of CGM on glycemic control and patient-reported outcomes in HypoDE.

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