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Gestational diabetes and pregnancy: Type 2 diabetes


25-09-2023 | Gestational diabetes | News

Gestational diabetes independently linked to increased future mortality risk

Women with a history of gestational diabetes have a significantly increased risk for long-term mortality regardless of whether or not they subsequently developed type 2 diabetes.

Young latin woman pregnant measuring glucose at home (symbolic with model)

05-04-2023 | Gestational diabetes | News

Mild gestational glucose intolerance tied to future type 2 diabetes risk

Impaired glucose tolerance during pregnancy that does not meet the criteria for gestational diabetes nevertheless increases the likelihood that women will later develop type 2 diabetes, a study shows.

20-10-2022 | Gestational diabetes | News

‘Important opportunity’ to avert type 2 diabetes after gestational diabetes

Researchers find that controlling modifiable risk factors limits the risk for developing type 2 diabetes in women with previous gestational diabetes, even if they have overweight or high genetic risk.

04-04-2022 | DUKPC 2022 | Conference coverage | News

Ethnicity, deprivation tied to long-term GDM sequelae

Being in a minority ethnic group and having low socioeconomic status increase women’s risk for developing certain long-term health complications after a pregnancy affected by gestational diabetes, a study shows.

Newborn baby

29-03-2022 | Metformin | News

Paternal metformin exposure linked to increased birth defect risk

The risk for a birth defect may be increased if the father is taking metformin around the time of spermatogenesis, say researchers.

08-02-2022 | Gestational diabetes | News

Long-term type 2 diabetes screening advised after gestational diabetes

The significantly increased risk for type 2 diabetes after a diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus persists for over 35 years, suggests a study published in Diabetes Care.

Early pregancy exam

03-12-2021 | Pregnancy | News

Microvascular diabetes complications linked to adverse pregnancy outcomes

Among pregnant women with preexisting diabetes, those with nephropathy or retinopathy may be at increased risk for pregnancy complications, suggest findings from a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Pregnant woman with diabetes

24-11-2021 | Ketoacidosis | News

DKA in pregnancy linked to high perinatal mortality rates

Diabetic ketoacidosis affects around one in 60 pregnant women with type 1 diabetes and is associated with “exceptionally high” perinatal mortality rates, shows research.

Pregnant patient measuring blood sugar

20-09-2021 | Heart failure | News

Gestational diabetes may flag early HF risk

The presence of gestational diabetes mellitus may identify women at an increased risk for experiencing hospitalization for heart failure within the next few years, research suggests.

26-06-2021 | ADA 2021 | Conference coverage | News

Maternal diabetes linked to poor type 2 diabetes outcomes in children

Maternal history of diabetes is associated with accelerated loss of glycemic control and an increased risk for adverse outcomes among youth with type 2 diabetes, suggests an analysis of data from the TODAY trial.

Pregnancy medical advice

01-02-2021 | Pregnancy | News

Women with diabetes need system-wide change to improve pregnancy outcomes

Data from the first 5 years of the UK’s National Pregnancy in Diabetes audit reveal differing effects of type 1 and type 2 diabetes on pregnancy outcomes, with no sign of improvements over time.

23-09-2020 | EASD 2020 | Conference coverage | News

Type 2 diabetes screening underperformed in women with gestational diabetes

Less than half of women with gestational diabetes undergo a guideline-recommended test for type 2 diabetes within 12 weeks of delivery, show results presented in a poster at the virtual 56th EASD Annual Meeting.

18-02-2020 | Pregnancy | News

Breastfeeding protective effect after gestational diabetes supported

Findings from the Nurses’ Health Study II bolster the association between longer breastfeeding duration and lower risk for type 2 diabetes in women with gestational diabetes.

17-02-2020 | Genetics | News

Genetics may contribute to risk for type 2 diabetes after gestational diabetes

Risk alleles for type 2 diabetes influence the risk for women developing the condition after experiencing gestational diabetes, say researchers.

11-02-2020 | Pregnancy | News

Undiagnosed prenatal type 2 diabetes linked to perinatal mortality

A Canadian research team has called for earlier identification of type 2 diabetes in pregnant women, after finding they are at elevated risk for perinatal mortality and other adverse outcomes compared with women with gestational diabetes mellitus alone.

07-02-2020 | Pregnancy | News

Maternal diabetes, obesity may raise risk for neuropsychiatric disorders in children

Children born to mothers with diabetes and severe obesity have an elevated risk for developing neuropsychiatric disorders, researchers report.

11-12-2019 | Epidemiology | News

Preterm birth associated with diabetes risk in adulthood

People born prematurely may need to be assessed for type 1 and type 2 diabetes early and monitored in the long term, say researchers after finding these individuals may be at increased risk from childhood into adulthood.

05-12-2019 | Cardiovascular disorders | News

Children of mothers with diabetes may have elevated CVD risk

Children born to mothers with diabetes have a higher risk for early-onset, non-congenital cardiovascular disease in childhood and early adulthood than those born to mothers without diabetes, suggest findings from a large observational study.

02-08-2019 | Pregnancy | News

Maternal blood glucose levels, BMI linked to stillbirth risk

A Scottish study has identified glycated hemoglobin levels and BMI as modifiable risk factors for stillbirth among pregnant women with diabetes.

05-07-2019 | Continuous glucose monitoring | News

ATTD consensus group releases time in range recommendations

A statement from an ATTD consensus group has streamlined previously agreed continuous glucose monitoring metrics and set out time in range targets.