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157 search results for:

Young adults 

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  1. 12-19-2022 | Early onset | News | Article

    Global type 2 diabetes burden increasing in adolescents and young adults

    The incidence and burden of type 2 diabetes in young people aged 15–39 years are increasing worldwide, show data from the Global Burden of Disease Study.

  2. 11-05-2020 | Retinopathy | News | Article

    Retinopathy screening attendance ‘suboptimal’ in young adults with diabetes

    While these findings show that “the majority of participants are screened in a timely manner, there is considerable variation in uptake” between age groups, with suboptimal attendance in young adults, write Lawrenson et al in Diabetic Medicine .

  3. 08-04-2020 | Young adults | News | Article

    Factory-calibrated CGM may assist glucose control for young adults with type 1 diabetes

    The Dexcom G6 continuous glucose monitoring system may be a good option to help young adults with type 1 diabetes control their blood glucose, show the results of the MILLENNIAL trial.

  4. 06-16-2020 | ADA 2020 | Conference coverage | Article

    Glycemic control not improving in youth and young adults with diabetes

    Glycemic control in youth and young adults with diabetes has not improved with time, and in some cases has worsened, despite more aggressive glycemic targets and increased availability of newer diabetes technology and therapies, shows the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study.

  5. 06-14-2020 | ADA 2020 | Conference coverage | Article

    Diastolic dysfunction more common in young adults with type 2 vs type 1 diabetes

    Findings from the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth study suggest that diastolic dysfunction is prevalent among young adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, but those with type 2 diabetes have the highest risk.

  6. 03-17-2020 | Primary care | News | Article

    Initial glycemic control poor after type 2 diabetes diagnosis in younger adults

    Adults who develop type 2 diabetes at a younger age have a much lower likelihood of achieving glycemic control a year after diagnosis than those who develop it in middle age, research indicates.

  7. 10-02-2019 | Complications | News | Article

    Youngest adults have highest relative risk for diabetes complications

    The risk for acute and chronic diabetes complications associated with poor glucose control is highest among young adults with type 1 diabetes and decreases with age even when the level of glycemic control is equally poor in the older age groups, real-world study data show.

  8. 04-30-2019 | Transitions of care | News | Article

    Benefits of transition support unsustained in young adults with type 1 diabetes

    The multicenter study included 205 young adults (aged 17–20 years) with type 1 diabetes who were randomly assigned to receive an 18-month transition program with a transition coordinator (n=104) or to receive standard care (n=101).

  9. 07-14-2018 | Pediatrics | Review | Article

    Disparities in care delivery and outcomes in young adults with diabetes

    This review summarizes the literature on care and outcome disparities in young adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and outlines remaining needs

  10. 01-24-2018 | Diabetes self-management | News | Article

    Occupational therapy intervention aids young adults with diabetes

    An occupational therapy-driven intervention can significantly improve blood glucose control and diabetes-related quality of life among ethnically diverse young adults with low socioeconomic status, US researchers report.

  11. 03-16-2018 | Type 2 diabetes | News | Article
    DUKPC 2018 in brief

    High complication burden in young adults with type 2 diabetes

    A small study shows high complication rates in young people with type 2 diabetes.

  12. 05-24-2018 | Retinopathy | Review | Article

    Clinical and psychosocial factors influencing retinal screening uptake among young adults with type 2 diabetes

    Purpose of Review: Young adults with type 2 diabetes (T2D, 18–39 years) experience early-onset and rapid progression of diabetic retinopathy (DR),

  13. 07-19-2017 | Neuropathy | News | Article

    Modifiable risk factors found for diabetic neuropathy in young adults

    Researchers have identified modifiable risk factors that if targeted early could help prevent the debilitating consequences of diabetic peripheral neuropathy in young people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

  14. 02-15-2018 | Psychological support | Review | Article

    Preconception counseling for adolescents and young adults with diabetes: A literature review of the past 10 years

    Peterson-Burch F et al. Curr Diab Rep 2018; 18: 11. doi: 10.1007/s11892-018-0983-7

  15. 06-14-2018 | Nephropathy | Article

    Dietary patterns over time and microalbuminuria in youth and young adults with type 1 diabetes: The SEARCH nutrition ancillary study

    Costacou T et al. Diabetes Care 2018: dc180319. doi: 10.2337/dc18-0319

  16. 09-03-2018 | Pediatrics | Article

    The preferences of young adults with type 1 diabetes at clinics using a discrete choice experiment approach: the D1 Now Study

    McMorrow L et al. Diabet Med 2018. doi: 10.1111/dme.13809

  17. 10-26-2016 | Complications | News | Article

    Causes of death defined in young adults with type I diabetes

    Mortality rates are high among adolescents and young adults with type I diabetes, with more than half caused by acute or chronic complications, researchers report.

  18. 09-15-2023 | Type 2 diabetes | News | Article

    Young-onset type 2 diabetes diagnosis linked to shortened life expectancy

    They add: “The evidence also highlights the need for intensive treatment of risk factors for premature mortality among young adults diagnosed with diabetes.”

  19. 07-11-2022 | Psychosocial care | News | Article

    Morning mindset predicts daily glucose fluctuations in young people with diabetes

    Researchers have found that the early morning psychosocial state of adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes explains a proportion of their daily variance in time in range.

  20. 02-03-2023 | Empagliflozin | News | Article

    DINAMO: Empagliflozin shows promise for young people with type 2 diabetes

    He therefore says that studies of high-dose semaglutide and tirzepatide, which both promote substantial weight loss in adults with type 2 diabetes, “are now urgently needed” in young people with the condition.

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