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23 search results for:

View from the clinic 

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  1. 05-20-2022 | Hyperglycemia | View from the clinic | Article

    Managing hyperglycemia in the face of a high-carbohydrate diet

    Sanjay Kalra considers the course of action when blood glucose remains high in someone who cannot, or will not, modify a high-carbohydrate diet.

  2. 04-14-2022 | Hyperglycemia | View from the clinic | Article

    Managing hyperglycemia related to stress

    Lori Berard highlights the contribution of stress to poor glycemic control and considers how healthcare providers can account for this in their practice.

  3. 04-06-2022 | Children | View from the clinic | Article

    Treatment priorities in children with type 2 diabetes

    Julian Hamilton-Shield explains why weight loss is the key to type 2 diabetes management in children (2:04).

  4. 04-05-2022 | Children | View from the clinic | Article

    Why type 2 diabetes is so challenging to manage in children

    Phil Zeitler discusses the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes in children, and why it is so resistant to conventional management (2:58). 

  5. 04-05-2022 | Children | View from the clinic | Article

    When to screen for type 2 diabetes in children

    AG Unnikrishnan highlights the problem of underdiagnosis of type 2 diabetes in children, and explains who to prioritize for screening (2:14).

  6. 03-09-2022 | Hyperglycemia | View from the clinic | Article

    ​​​​​​​Overcoming barriers to physical activity in persons with diabetes

    In this addition to our hyperglycemia series, Anthonia Ogbera makes the case for exercise as an underemployed care strategy and offers advice for achieving success.

  7. 01-19-2022 | Hyperglycemia | View from the clinic | Article

    Corticosteroid treatment and the consequences for glucose control

    John Wilding highlights the issue of hyperglycemia triggered by use of high-dose steroids and discusses management strategies.

  8. 10-13-2021 | Hypoglycemia | View from the clinic | Article

    Endemic hypoglycemia

    In the final article in this series, Sanjay Kalra highlights region-specific causes of hypoglycemia requiring a tailored management approach.

  9. 09-18-2018 | Sexual dysfunction | View from the clinic | Article

    Regaining sexual health in diabetes: Start with open communication

    Advisory Board member Clipper Young recounts an experience of starting a patient with erectile dysfunction on the path to appropriate treatment for him and his diabetes.

  10. 09-21-2021 | Hypoglycemia | View from the clinic | Article

    Hypoglycemia in people taking alpha-glucosidase inhibitors

    Sanjay Kalra explains how use of alpha-glucosidase inhibitors in people with type 2 diabetes can complicate the treatment of hypoglycemia.

  11. 09-21-2021 | Hypoglycemia | View from the clinic | Article

    Reactive hypoglycemia

    In the second article of this series, Sanjay Kalra describes the issue of reactive hypoglycemia and how to best manage it.

  12. 02-06-2018 | Insulin | View from the clinic | Article

    When you need to have a conversation with your patient about starting insulin...

    Clinical Pharmacist and Diabetes Educator, Clipper Young provides his advice on supporting patients through the oftentimes difficult consultation about intensifying their diabetes therapy.

  13. 09-06-2017 | Healthcare costs | View from the clinic | Article

    The rising cost of medication: Groceries or insulin?

    Advisory Board member and Family Physician, Allison Petznick, highlights the impact of rising medication costs on one of her patients, and provides practical suggestions for US physicians to help those struggling to manage the everyday costs of type 2 diabetes.

  14. 06-25-2017 | Hyperglycemia | View from the clinic | Article

    What to do when your patient takes a diabetes holiday

    Jay Shubrook reflects on a case concerning a patient who came into his clinic after taking a 'diabetes holiday' and discusses some of the practical ways in which you might prevent such holidays in your patients.

  15. Barriers to insulin: Management in type 2 diabetes patients

    Editorial Board member Lori Berard discusses how to meet and overcome the challenges that follow the initial insulin prescription in patients with type 2 diabetes (11:53).

  16. Barriers to insulin: Initiation in type 2 diabetes patients

    Editorial Board member Lori Berard talks through the stages and challenges associated with preparing type 2 diabetes patients for insulin therapy (9:00).

  17. 03-28-2018 | Devices and technology | View from the clinic | Article

    Managing patient expectations for glucose management via a device

    As the utility and availability of devices surges, so too do patient expectations. Advisory Board member Katharine Barnard provides key consultation questions to help determine your patients’ greatest needs and obstacles.

  18. 08-22-2017 | Primary care | View from the clinic | Article

    Five things you can do to make your diabetes visits more efficient

    Diabetes check-ups can be multifaceted and time-consuming. Editorial Board member and Family Physician, Jay Shubrook, presents his practical recommendations for making the most of your patient visits.

  19. 02-21-2018 | Primary care | Editorial | Article

    Compassion fatigue in diabetes care professionals

    Awareness and education about compassion fatigue can help to limit its incidence and severity. Sanjay Kalra outlines strategies to identify and manage the emotional exhaustion that often affects diabetes caregivers.

  20. 10-17-2017 | GLP-1 agonists | Feature | Article

    GLP-1 receptor agonists: Cardiovascular trials and triumphs

    With four GLP-1 receptor agonists now having published cardiovascular outcome data, medwireNews takes a look at how the experts are interpreting the conflicting findings, and what they mean for prescribing decisions.

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