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8 search results for:

Patient and physician's perspective 

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  1. 01-20-2017 | Obesity | Patient and physician’s perspective | Article

    Behavior modification: A patient and physician’s perspective

    A patient affected by obesity discusses her experience of living with the disease and using many different weight loss approaches until finding a lifestyle program that was appropriate for her metabolism.

  2. 03-17-2017 | Obesity | Patient and physician’s perspective | Article

    Maintaining weight loss by decreasing sedentary time: A patient and physician’s perspective

    A patient living with obesity and his obesity medicine specialist, discuss how the patient has successfully lost 200 lb and maintained that loss for over a decade, primarily through behavioral intervention.

  3. 05-03-2016 | Obesity | Patient and physician’s perspective | Article

    Weight loss: A patient and physician’s perspective

    A patient affected by obesity and their obesity medicine specialist discuss the patient’s experience of living with the disease and using many different weight loss approaches.

  4. 02-08-2019 | Continuous glucose monitoring | Patient and physician’s perspective | Article

    Use of continuous glucose monitoring in people with type 1 diabetes: Perspectives of two people with diabetes and physician perspective

    This article details perspectives from two individuals with type 1 diabetes who use continuous glucose monitoring devices to improve their quality of life and self-management of diabetes.

  5. 07-30-2018 | Medications | Article

    Choice of treatment regimen as add-on to insulin in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Physicians’ perspective in a real-world setting, insight from a web survey

    This study explores the treatment factors and patient characteristics for selecting the oral anti-diabetes drugs and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor

  6. 05-31-2016 | Obesity | Patient and physician’s perspective | Article

    Pharmacotherapy for obesity and changes in eating behavior: A patient and physician’s perspective

    A patient with obesity, diabetes, and hypertension, discusses her experience with the onset of diabetes complicating obesity and with her frustration living with these diagnoses until finding an obesity medicine specialist physician who helped her lose weight and reverse her diabetes.

  7. 09-06-2018 | SGLT2 inhibitors | Patient and physician’s perspective | Article

    Living with type 2 diabetes: Patient commentary in response to the paper ‘SGLT2 inhibitors in type 2 diabetes management: Key evidence and implications for clinical practice’

    A patient discusses their experience of living with type 2 diabetes, including their experience of diagnosis and self-management, education and adoption of SGLT2 inhibitors to treat the disease.

  8. 09-14-2018 | Diet | Patient and physician’s perspective | Article

    Diabetes and diet: A patient and dietitian’s perspective

    A patient with type 2 diabetes and a specialist dietitian discuss the patient’s experience and difficulties with controlling weight and strategies that can help a patient in this situation.

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