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3 search results for:

Pamela Dyson 

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  1. 09-14-2018 | Diet | Patient and physician’s perspective | Article

    Diabetes and diet: A patient and dietitian’s perspective

    A patient with type 2 diabetes and a specialist dietitian discuss the patient’s experience and difficulties with controlling weight and strategies that can help a patient in this situation.

  2. 05-22-2018 | Nutritional management | Editorial | Article

    UK nutrition guidelines for the prevention and management of diabetes: An update for primary care

    Advisory Board member Pamela Dyson underlines the key features for healthcare professionals working in diabetes education, diabetes management, type 2 diabetes prevention, and cardiovascular risk reduction.

  3. UK nutrition guidelines: A fresh approach

    Board members John Wilding and Pamela Dyson talk about the fresh approach taken to the latest update of the Diabetes UK nutrition guidelines (9:43).

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