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11 search results for:

Neil  neil skolnik

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  1. 06-23-2018 | Diabetes prevention | Review | Article

    2020 vision: An overview of prospects for diabetes management and prevention in the next decade

    Wang CY, Neil DL, Home P. Diabetes Res Clin Prac 2018; 143: 101–112. doi: 10.1016/j.diabres.2018.06.007

  2. 10-02-2018 | Diabetic foot ulcers | News | Article

    Pressure-sensing ‘smart’ insoles reduce diabetic foot ulcer risk

    During 18 months of follow-up, the risk was reduced by 71% among patients receiving the intervention, Neil Reeves (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK) told delegates at the 54th EASD Annual Meeting in Berlin, Germany .

  3. 02-07-2018 | Hypoglycemia | Review | Article

    Impaired hypoglycemia awareness in type 1 diabetes: Lessons from the lab

    McNeilly AD, McCrimmon RJ. Diabetologia 2018; 4: 743–750. doi: 10.1007/s00125-018-4548-8

  4. 09-15-2017 | Hypoglycemia | EASD 2017 | Article

    Glycemic variability, hypoglycemia linked to poor outcomes in type 2 diabetes patients

    However, study co-author Neil Poulter (Imperial College London, UK) pointed out in his presentation at the EASD meeting that “there may be confounding by frailty” for the observed associations in the DEVOTE study, in which approximately 10% of the participants were aged 75 years or older.

  5. 09-11-2017 | Obesity | News | Article

    Metabolically healthy obese concept overturned

    As expected, G Neil Thomas (University of Birmingham, UK) and study co-authors found that cardiovascular risk increased even more for overweight and obese people with one or two metabolic abnormalities.

  6. 03-03-2017 | Neuropathy | News | Article
    News in brief

    Self-perceived unsteadiness matches fall risk in neuropathy patients

    “The question that remains is to what extent the psychological factors, such as self-perceived unsteadiness and fear of falling, actually drive changes in gait characteristics, or whether the experienced problems with gait and balance largely determine the patient’s subjective appraisal of feeling unsteady,” say Neil Reeves (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK) and co-researchers.

  7. 11-30-2016 | Retinopathy | News | Article

    Artificial intelligence could facilitate diabetic retinopathy screening

    In one of three commentary articles accompanying the study, Tien Yin Wong (Singapore National Eye Centre) and Neil Bressler (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA) say that these performance indicators are “substantially better” than what is generally advised for screening.

  8. 10-12-2017 | MODY | Article

    Monogenic diabetes in overweight and obese youth diagnosed with type 2 diabetes: The TODAY clinical trial

    Genet Med 2017. doi: 10.1038/gim.2017.150

  9. 01-01-2015 | Diabetic foot | Book chapter | Article

    The diabetic foot

    Legault KJ, O’Neill J. In: Essential imaging in rheumatology . Edited by O’Neill J. Springer-Verlag New York, 2015. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-1673-3_14

  10. 06-11-2017 | Conference report | Article
    ADA 2017

    Day 1 highlights: Friday 9th June

    The opening day of the 2017 American Diabetes Association 77th Scientific Sessions featured symposia on a broad range of topics including the stigma of diabetes, management of diabetic neuropathy, biomarkers of type 1 diabetes, and the role of the intestinal immune system in metabolic disease.

  11. 02-23-2017 | Lixisenatide | News | Article

    GetGoal-O supports lixisenatide use for older patients with type 2 diabetes

    Results of the placebo-controlled GetGoal-O trial suggest that adding lixisenatide to existing diabetes treatment improves glycemic control among nonfrail older patients with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes.

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