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27 search results for:

Multidisciplinary care 

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  1. 02-23-2022 | Mental health | News | Article

    Depression screeners underestimate suicide risk in young people with type 1 diabetes

    They report in Diabetes Care that, according to the PHQ-9, 13 (9.8%) participants were at risk for suicide.

  2. 05-23-2022 | Diabetic foot ulcers | News | Article

    Diabetic foot ulcer amputation, death rates highest among rural Black people

    Noting that the link between rural residency and major leg amputation was strengthened after taking comorbidity into consideration, the team suggests that other factors may be involved, such as the “eroding rural health care infrastructure,” and that improving access to multidisciplinary triage may be a “particularly effective” approach among Black rural residents.

  3. 03-07-2022 | Diabetic foot ulcers | News | Article

    Socioeconomic deprivation tied to amputation risk in people with diabetic foot ulcers

    These findings suggest that “nurse accessibility might be a key strategic point for DFU medical care,” write Bonnet et al in Diabetes Care .

  4. 07-14-2021 | Mental health | Feature | Article

    Creating a safety net: How doctors can help suicidal patients

    Screening, emergency protocols, and person-centered care – just some of the ways healthcare professionals can identify and support people at increased risk for suicide. Click through for more.

  5. 12-03-2021 | Pregnancy | News | Article

    Microvascular diabetes complications linked to adverse pregnancy outcomes

    Therefore, “[i]t is essential that antenatal care of pregnant women with microvascular disease should involve a multidisciplinary team, including maternal medicine and nephrology,” say Shakila Thangaratinam (University of Birmingham, UK) and colleagues.

  6. 04-05-2022 | Ethnic groups | Feature | Article

    Ethnicity and childhood type 2 diabetes: Causes and consequences

    “So I do think the dynamic is very different and type 2 diabetes probably lends itself much better to the real multidisciplinary team, where no one has the absolute say on what’s the best for any patient.”

  7. 12-12-2019 | Diabetes self-management | News | Article

    ‘Upskilling’ healthcare providers could address concerns of people with diabetes

    “Some reported general dissatisfaction with care and even disengagement with care because of their negative experiences,” say the researchers.

  8. 12-14-2017 | Guidelines | Editorial | Article

    What is new in the 2018 American Diabetes Association Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes?

    Jay Shubrook, Chair of the American Diabetes Association’s Primary Care Advisory Group, outlines what's new in 2018's ADA Standards of Care update. 

  9. 12-15-2016 | Guidelines | Editorial | Article

    What is new in the 2017 American Diabetes Association Standards of Care?

    Jay Shubrook, Chair of the American Diabetes Association’s Primary Care Advisory Group, outlines what's new in 2017's ADA Standards of Care update. 

  10. 08-15-2018 | Diabetic foot | Review | Article

    Updates on diabetic foot and Charcot osteopathic arthropathy

    Schmidt BM, Holmes CM. Curr Diab Rep 2018; 18: 74. doi: 10.1007/s11892-018-1047-8

  11. 03-14-2018 | Older adults | News | Article
    DUKPC 2018 in brief

    Collaborative ‘virtual ward’ approach may improve outcomes for older diabetes patients

    Presenting the results at the 2018 Diabetes UK Professional Conference in London, Ceri Jagger (North East Essex Diabetes Service, Colchester, UK) explained that the virtual ward was developed in response to regular ambulance calls to care homes, with the aim of reviewing the suitability of medication regimes and educating community nurses about insulin.

  12. 06-10-2019 | Adolescents | News | Article

    Shared medical appointments improve psychosocial outcomes in young diabetes

    Jennifer Raymond, from Children’s Hospital Los Angeles in California, USA, explained that the model, which is provided by a multidisciplinary team, allows the patients to have time alone with their care provider, as well as interactions with other similar aged patients.

  13. 02-25-2020 | Retinopathy | News | Article

    Eye problems present a particular risk for patients with young-onset type 2 diabetes

    The team, led by Timothy Middleton (University of Sydney, New South Wales), examined prospectively collected data from a center providing multidisciplinary secondary and tertiary level care to people with diabetes.

  14. 06-26-2018 | Artificial pancreas systems | News | Article

    Closed-loop delivery improves inpatient glucose control in type 2 diabetes

    Fully closed-loop insulin delivery results in a markedly improved time in range among inpatients with type 2 diabetes receiving noncritical care, researchers have reported.

  15. 06-16-2018 | Cardiovascular disorders | Review | Article

    Inpatient glycemic management of non-cardiac CVD: Focus on stroke and PVD

    The 2018 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes recommend a target glucose of 80–180 mg/dl in the perioperative period.

  16. 01-28-2020 | Adolescents | News | Article
    News in brief

    Mental health continuing issue for adolescents after bariatric surgery

    But the proportion of surgical patients with any psychiatric diagnosis increased, as was also the case in a matched group of 80 adolescents who received conventional care.

  17. 01-24-2018 | Diabetes self-management | News | Article

    Occupational therapy intervention aids young adults with diabetes

    And they add that “[g]iven the increasing prevalence of diabetes, workforce shortages among front-line diabetes care providers, and the shift toward multidisciplinary team- based approaches to chronic care management, [occupational therapists] may merit consideration as an untapped resource to address the growing burden of diabetes in the U.S.”

  18. 10-16-2018 | Metabolic surgery | News | Article

    Marked reduction in vascular events in diabetes patients after bariatric surgery

    In a linked editorial , Amir Ghaferi and Oliver Varban (both from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA) say that the study “highlights the importance of setting appropriate expectations about weight loss and comorbidity resolution after bariatric surgery and also reinforces the concept that obesity is a chronic disease demanding long-term multidisciplinary care.”

  19. 07-17-2018 | Obesity | Review | Article

    Weight management in patients with type 2 diabetes: A multidisciplinary real-world approach

    This review describes the most effective multidisciplinary approach to weight management in patients with type 2 diabetes in real-world clinical

  20. 05-17-2018 | Hypoglycemia | News | Article

    TRIMECO puts islet transplantation on solid ground when insulin fails

    “It is now time to integrate islet transplantation into the stepped care of these patients,” they say.

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