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7 search results for:

Korey Hood 

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  1. 10-24-2018 | Diabetes distress | Editorial | Article

    Feeling stressed out and not meeting goals: A vicious cycle impacting diabetes self-management

    Clinical psychologists Diana Naranjo and Korey Hood tackle the negative feedback loops that can develop around diabetes self-management and offer their insights on strategies to identify and address the roots of distress.

  2. 02-22-2019 | Continuous glucose monitoring | ATTD 2019 | Article

    Researcher comment: The benefits of starting CGM immediately after diabetes diagnosis

    Korey Hood discusses his research looking at the effects on patients and carers of starting continuous glucose monitoring straight after diabetes diagnosis (4:25).

  3. 02-22-2019 | Psychosocial care | ATTD 2019 | Article

    Expert highlights: Psychologic issues influencing device uptake in teens with diabetes

    Korey Hood outlines some psychologic issues that should be addressed to optimize the uptake of diabetes technologies by adolescents (4:46).

  4. 06-27-2021 | ADA 2021 | News | Article
    News in brief

    Omnipod 5 system use reduces diabetes distress

    Presenting the findings at the virtual ADA 81st Scientific Sessions, Korey Hood (Stanford University, California, USA) commented that “parents of children with diabetes are a group in great need.”

  5. 07-17-2019 | Diabetes self-management | News | Article

    Factors influencing intended intensity of diabetes care highlighted

    . © 2019 Springer Healthcare part of the Springer Nature group Diabet Med 2019; doi:10.1111/dme.14072 More on this topic News story  | Text message service helps support adults with diabetes self-care Expert opinion  |  Carmen Soto and David Strain consider the role of patient engagement in tackling clinical inertia Expert opinion  |  Diana Naranjo and Korey Hood discuss the impact of stress on diabetes self-management

  6. 12-05-2016 | Devices and technology | News | Article

    Physical barriers to device use highlighted in type 1 diabetes patients

    The study participants selected from 19 possible barriers identified by Korey Hood (Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, California, USA) and co-researchers.

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