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7 search results for:

Kevin Fernando 

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    08-29-2021 | ESC 2021 | Conference coverage | Video

    EMPEROR-Preserved: The implications for primary care

    Kevin Fernando discusses the EMPEROR-Preserved findings and their likely impact on the treatment of people with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, with or without diabetes, in primary care.

  2. 01-30-2019 | Cardiovascular outcomes | Case study | Article

    Cardiovascular risk reduction in type 2 diabetes

    Pharmacological management of comorbid cardiovascular risk and type 2 diabetes is undergoing a paradigm shift. General practitioner Kevin Fernando puts recommendations from the ADA/EASD into practice in this patient case study.

  3. 04-17-2019 | Nephropathy | Podcast | Article

    Primary care expert commentary: The CREDENCE trial

    General practitioner Kevin Fernando talks to medwireNews about the importance of the CREDENCE trial from a primary care perspective (4:43).

  4. 08-27-2021 | ESC 2021 | News | Article

    EMPEROR-Preserved: A win for empagliflozin in HFpEF

    Kevin Fernando discusses the EMPEROR-Preserved findings and their likely impact on the treatment of people with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, with or without diabetes, in primary care.

  5. 04-19-2018 | Older adults | News | Article

    Glycemic variability modifies mortality risk in older diabetes patients

    Speaking to medwireNews about the findings, Kevin Fernando, a general practitioner from North Berwick Health Centre, UK, noted that the adverse effect of falling HbA1c levels is “something unique to this older, more frail population.”

  6. 05-06-2019 | SGLT2 inhibitors | News | Article

    Postmarketing data support Fournier gangrene link with SGLT2 inhibitors

    . © 2019 Springer Healthcare part of the Springer Nature group Ann Intern Med 2019; doi:10.7326/M19-0085 More on this topic In-depth article  | Kevin Fernando discusses Fournier gangrene and SGLT2 inhibitor use in primary care Quick guide  |  Real-world studies of SGLT2 inhibition and amputation risk Quick guide  |  Round-up of the SGLT2 inhibitor CV outcome trials

  7. 04-15-2019 | Nephropathy | News | Article

    Canagliflozin may offer renal protection in people with type 2 diabetes and CKD

    Kevin Fernando talks about the CREDENCE findings from a primary care perspective.

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