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4 search results for:

Juliana Chan 

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  1. 07-29-2022 | Genetics | News | Article

    Healthy lifestyle may counteract genetic predisposition to type 2 diabetes

    The study, by Juliana Chan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin) and colleagues, also found that self-management, defined as a healthy lifestyle plus regular self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG), was associated with better control of cardiometabolic risk factors, particularly when there was a family history of diabetes present.

  2. 01-14-2019 | Mental health | News | Article

    High mental illness burden in young-onset type 2 diabetes

    Specifically, Juliana Chan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) and team found that 36.8% of bed–days before the age of 40 years were due to mental illness, with most of these accounted for by psychotic conditions (55.1%) and mood disorders (31.4%).

  3. 10-05-2018 | Insulin | News | Article
    News in brief

    ‘Alarming’ rates of insulin discontinuation in developing countries

    And when the number of months in which patients omitted insulin were counted, “it’s actually quite alarming,” said Juliana Chan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) in her presentation at the 54th EASD Annual Meeting in Berlin, Germany.

  4. 01-02-2020 | Ethnic groups | News | Article

    Insulin resistance may be critical type 2 diabetes driver in Chinese people

    Elaine Chow and Juliana Chan, both from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, also note that isolated impaired glucose tolerance is particularly common in Chinese people, suggesting a critical role for “defective early phase insulin secretion which cannot be fully reflected by an abnormal HOMA-B, the latter being an indicator of basal insulin secretion.”

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