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  1. 11-26-2021 | Efpeglenatide | News | Article

    Efpeglenatide CV benefits independent of SGLT-2 inhibitor use

    The cardiovascular benefits of the GLP-1 receptor agonist efpeglenatide are unrelated to concurrent SGLT2 inhibitor use, suggests an exploratory analysis of AMPLITUDE-O trial data.

  2. 06-29-2021 | ADA 2021 | News | Article

    AMPLITUDE-O: Efpeglenatide offers cardiorenal protection in type 2 diabetes

    Efpeglenatide provides significant cardiovascular and renal protection in people with type 2 diabetes at high risk for cardiorenal events, show the findings of the AMPLITUDE-O trial.

  3. 07-05-2021 | ADA 2021 | News | Article

    AMPLITUDE-M: Improved glycemic and weight outcomes with efpeglenatide vs placebo

    Treatment with efpeglenatide significantly improves glycemic control and results in weight loss for medication-naïve people with type 2 diabetes, report the AMPLITUDE-M researchers.

  4. 10-17-2017 | GLP-1 agonists | At a glance | Article
    Updated June 2021

    Round up of the GLP-1 receptor agonist CV outcome trials

    Efpeglenatide treatment also produced a significant reduction in risk for the secondary endpoint of a composite renal outcome.

  5. 12-06-2021 | Exenatide | News | Article

    Cardiovascular safety shown for continuous subcutaneous exenatide infusion

    They observe that there was a trend toward cardioprotection in the EXSCEL trial of injectable exenatide and a significant benefit in the AMPLITUDE-O trial of efpeglenatide , which is exenatide-based.

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