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197 search results for:

Diabetes self-management 

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  1. 02-20-2020 | Mobile technology | News | Article

    Mobile access to online self-management tools may improve diabetes care

    People with diabetes who access an online self-management portal through mobile devices have better medication adherence and glycemic control than those with computer-only or no access to the portal, researchers report.

  2. 04-18-2019 | Mobile technology | News | Article
    News in brief

    Study highlights ‘immaturity’ of diabetes self-management apps

    A large proportion of mobile apps for self-management of blood glucose do not provide real-time decision support for users with type 2 diabetes, researchers report.

  3. 12-14-2018 | Pediatrics | Article

    Youth with type 1 diabetes taking responsibility for self-management: The importance of executive functioning in achieving glycemic control

    Vloemans AF et al. Diabetes Care 2018: dc181143. doi: 10.2337/dc18-1143

  4. 05-07-2016 | Psychosocial care | Review | Article

    Social support for diabetes self-management via eHealth interventions

    eHealth interventions have been increasingly used to provide social support for self-management of type 2 diabetes.

  5. 01-31-2017 | Diabetes self-management | Article

    The LMC Skills, Confidence & Preparedness Index (SCPI): Development and evaluation of a novel tool for assessing self-management in patients with diabetes

    Optimal diabetes care requires a specific set of self-management behaviours.

  6. 09-12-2023 | Type 1 diabetes | News | Article

    Preservation of β-cell function with teplizumab in type 1 diabetes confirmed

    Teplizumab consistently preserves the function of β-cells in people with type 1 diabetes as measured by higher C-peptide levels at 1 and 2 years post-treatment.

  7. 04-05-2023 | Flash glucose monitoring | News | Article

    Reduced acute complications for young people using CGM

    Data from the DPV cohort show a reduced risk for severe hypoglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis among children and young people with type 1 diabetes using continuous glucose monitoring rather than self-monitored blood glucose.

  8. 07-29-2022 | Genetics | News | Article

    Healthy lifestyle may counteract genetic predisposition to type 2 diabetes

    A family history of diabetes is associated with a younger age at type 2 diabetes diagnosis, but this could be delayed by following a healthy lifestyle, suggest data from the Joint Asia Diabetes Evaluation Register.

  9. 06-06-2022 | ADA 2022 | News | Article

    Psychosocial factors predict poor medication adherence in young people with type 2 diabetes

    Results from the iCount study show that negative beliefs about medicines, unmet material needs, and poor social support are all predictors of low adherence to treatment for individuals with young-onset type 2 diabetes.

  10. 09-23-2022 | EASD 2022 | News | Article

    ​​​​​​​Better diabetes self-care during adolescence could improve glycemic control trajectory

    Among adolescents with type 1 diabetes, those with better self-care are more likely to have favorable glycated hemoglobin trajectories into early adulthood, study findings suggest.

  11. 08-12-2022 | Metabolic surgery | News | Article
    News in brief

    Use of sleeve gastrectomy may be valid for some people with class 1 obesity

    Study findings published in JAMA Network Open suggest that for people with class 1 obesity, sleeve gastrectomy is associated with greater weight loss and diabetes remission than lifestyle intervention, but the procedure is also linked to increased incidence of substance use disorder and self-harm.

  12. 09-02-2022 | Diabetic foot | News | Article

    Most YouTube diabetic foot care videos ‘not adequate’

    The researchers rated the videos’ educational quality specific to diabetes foot examination using the 15-item Diabetes UK annual foot check scoring checklist tool (DUK-C), and found an average score of 5.07 out of a possible 15; no video scored 14 or 15.

  13. 09-06-2018 | SGLT2 inhibitors | Patient and physician’s perspective | Article

    Living with type 2 diabetes: Patient commentary in response to the paper ‘SGLT2 inhibitors in type 2 diabetes management: Key evidence and implications for clinical practice’

    A patient discusses their experience of living with type 2 diabetes, including their experience of diagnosis and self-management, education and adoption of SGLT2 inhibitors to treat the disease.

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