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144 search results for:

DiRECT trial 

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  1. 03-08-2019 | Diet | DUKPC 2019 | Article

    The DiRECT trial in practice

    Following the positive 2-year results of DiRECT, this symposium shared the first-hand experiences of a dietician, a general practitioner, and a person with diabetes who participated in the DiRECT study.

  2. 03-07-2019 | Diet | Video | Article

    Clinical takeaways: The DiRECT trial

    Amar Puttanna highlights the key clinical messages that have come out of the DiRECT trial (0:59).

  3. 03-07-2019 | Diet | Video | Article

    Researcher comment: The 2-year outcomes of the DiRECT trial

    Roy Taylor explains why the DiRECT intervention may benefit a surprisingly wide variety of people, and how the trial’s findings could trigger a major shift in thinking about how to tackle type 2 diabetes (6:45).

  4. 12-05-2017 | Diet | News | Article

    DiRECT trial: Diabetes remission achievable in primary care

    Nearly half of the patients helped to follow a very-low-calorie diet for at least 3 months achieved and maintained remission of type 2 diabetes over the 12 months of the DiRECT trial, the investigators report.

  5. 05-04-2023 | Diet | News | Article

    DiRECT extension shows potential for persistent type 2 diabetes remission

    The 5-year DiRECT results show sustained type 2 diabetes remission for 13% of the intervention group.

  6. 01-12-2021 | Diet | News | Article
    News in brief

    Ghrelin changes predict weight regain after DiRECT diet

    Ghrelin is the only appetite-related hormone that predicted weight regain among the participants of the DiRECT trial, say the researchers.

  7. 11-24-2022 | Ethnic groups | News | Article

    STANDby confirms diabetes remission with weight loss in South Asian population

    Following a very-low-calorie total diet replacement plan can lead to type 2 diabetes remission in South Asian individuals, shows the STANDby trial.

  8. 12-01-2022 | Semaglutide | News | Article

    High-dose semaglutide reduces obesity-linked inflammatory marker

    Levels of the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein decrease in people with or without type 2 diabetes taking weekly semaglutide 2.4 mg, shows analysis of three STEP trials.

  9. 02-12-2020 | Channel

    DiRECT: Type 2 diabetes remission through weight management

    Learn about the Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT) with summaries of the primary findings, 2-year outcomes and latest news.

  10. 07-29-2020 | Type 2 diabetes | Podcast | Article

    The DiRECT approach to weight loss: Efficacious and pragmatic

    DiRECT trial dietitian Alison Barnes discusses the challenges and triumphs of using a very-low-calorie, total-meal-replacement diet to help people with type 2 diabetes achieve weight loss and maintenance (25:34).

  11. 01-16-2023 | Diet | News | Article

    Microbiome support improves type 2 diabetes outcomes

    A randomised trial shows that use of a prebiotic fibre-enriched nutritional formula results in improved life quality and, potentially, better glycaemic control in people with type 2 diabetes.

  12. 09-23-2022 | EASD 2022 | News | Article

    ​​​​​​​ReTUNE analysis backs ‘personal fat threshold’ concept

    By contrast, in the DiRECT trial , which definitively showed that type 2 diabetes can be reversed with diet-induced weight loss, the average BMI was approximately 35 kg/m 2 .

  13. 08-07-2019 | Diet | News | Article
    News in brief

    DiRECT to the Caribbean

    The very-low-calorie diet intervention used in the DiRECT trial is feasible and associated with type 2 diabetes remission in residents of Barbados, researchers report.

  14. 06-19-2019 | Diet | ADA 2019 | Article

    DiRECT: Beta cells ‘not dead’ in type 2 diabetes

    People who achieved sustained remission of type 2 diabetes via substantial weight loss in the DiRECT trial regained normal maximal beta-cell capacity, the investigators report.

  15. 03-06-2019 | Diet | Video | Article

    Expert commentary: The 2-year DiRECT outcomes

    John Wilding discusses the implications of the 2-year outcomes of the DiRECT trial, and the questions that remain unanswered (4:17).

  16. 03-06-2019 | Diet | News | Article

    Diabetes remission durable for a third of DiRECT participants

    Just over a third of people who undertook a period on a very-low-calorie diet in the DiRECT trial to tackle type 2 diabetes are in remission 24 months later, the investigators have reported.

  17. 04-05-2022 | Ethnic groups | Feature | Article

    Ethnicity and childhood type 2 diabetes: Causes and consequences

    Hamilton-Shield stresses that diet must be the mainstay of pediatric type 2 diabetes management, pointing to the success of the DiRECT trial , which showed that targeting 15 kg weight loss in adults using a very-low-calorie meal replacement plan led to type 2 diabetes remission for nearly half of the participants.

  18. 08-31-2023 | Type 2 diabetes | News | Article

    Pragmatic trial suggests best cardioprotective agents for type 2 diabetes

    With clinical data from head-to-head comparisons of multiple antidiabetic agents not currently available and no such clinical trials planned, Al-Aly and co-investigators decided to conduct a pragmatic trial.

  19. 10-12-2021 | Diet | News | Article

    DiRECT insights highlight ‘ongoing struggle’ of maintaining weight loss

    Many participants of DiRECT found reintroduction of food and subsequent weight-loss maintenance to be more challenging than the 800 calorie total meal replacement phase, the investigators report.

  20. 09-29-2021 | EASD 2021 | News | Article

    Intra-organ fat reduction parallels type 2 diabetes remission in lean people

    All DiRECT participants had BMIs of 27–45 kg/m 2 , but those with type 2 diabetes had average liver fat of around 15%, compared with around 5% in those without.

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