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4 search results for:

Chantal Mathieu 

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  1. 01-22-2019 | Insulin | News | Article

    Oral basal insulin not yet commercially viable despite good glycemic control

    In an accompanying comment Chantal Mathieu, from KU Leuven in Belgium, says that although the “robust” study opens up “a therapeutic pathway many patients and clinicians had already accepted would never become a reality,” it also reports “a level of variability in achieved glycaemic concentrations that is problematic.”

  2. 10-05-2018 | Hyperglycemia | News | Article

    ADA/EASD consensus report on managing hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes published

    Addressing the press, EASD Vice President Chantal Mathieu (KU Leuven, Belgium) emphasized the importance of the consensus report process in helping clinicians to decide “where we need to go in this forest of new glucose-lowering therapies.”

  3. 06-28-2018 | Dapagliflozin | News | Article

    DEPICT-2 confirms dapagliflozin efficacy in type 1 diabetes

    Chantal Mathieu (KU Leuven, Belgium), who presented the results to the press at the ADA’s 78th Scientific Sessions in Orlando, Florida, USA, said that time in range is a “very important parameter in my eyes as a clinician,” and stressed that the improvement seen with dapagliflozin “is in the same ballpark as what you can achieve with the almost closed-loop systems that we have at the moment.”

  4. 09-13-2017 | Acarbose | EASD 2017 | Article

    ACE results suggest no reduction in CV risk with acarbose treatment

    And in her commentary on the study, Chantal Mathieu (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium) highlighted that although the ACE trial showed no effect of acarbose on the five-point composite cardiovascular endpoint, it was a “very well-designed, very well-powered study” showing that the drug is efficacious in preventing type 2 diabetes in an Asian population.

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