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6 search results for:

Carol Wysham 

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  1. 05-08-2017 | Metformin | Editorial | Article

    Metformin: What is new with this old medication?

    With the arrival of slow-release formulations of metformin and the relaxation of guidelines concerning its use in patients with kidney disease, Carol Wysham explains how the population of patients who might benefit from this medication has expanded.

  2. Dissecting the CANVAS trial

    In this podcast, CANVAS investigators Carol Wysham and Lori Berard discuss the implications of the program's findings for healthcare professionals treating patients with diabetes (11:17).

  3. 01-13-2017 | Cardiovascular outcomes | Editorial | Article

    Clinical implications of cardiovascular outcomes trials in type 2 diabetes

    What do the results of CVOTs mean for practicing clinicians? Medicine Matters contributor, Carol Wysham reviews the latest evidence and guidelines for reducing CV risk in patients with type 2 diabetes.

  4. 09-13-2017 | Acarbose | EASD 2017 | Article

    ACE results suggest no reduction in CV risk with acarbose treatment

    We have two studies showing that [acarbose] can help prevent diabetes; perhaps there’s where we need to begin using acarbose more regularly Click here to watch an interview with Carol Wysham on the ACE results “These results extend the knowledge of the safety of acarbose and its efficacy for delaying the onset of diabetes to a population with both coronary heart disease and impaired glucose tolerance,” said Holman, speculating that this could “help to reduce cardiovascular risk in the longer term by delaying the onset of diabetes in the high-risk population studied, as was seen in the 23-year follow-up of the Da Qing study.”

  5. 07-03-2017 | Insulin degludec | News | Article

    SWITCH studies support reduced hypoglycemia risk with insulin degludec

    In both studies, glycemic control was equally good with both insulins, report the researchers – Wendy Lane (Mountain Diabetes and Endocrine Center, Asheville, North Carolina, USA) and colleagues for SWITCH 1, and Carol Wysham (Rockwood Clinic, University of Washington School of Medicine, Spokane, USA) and team for SWITCH 2.

  6. 06-14-2017 | Canagliflozin | News | Article

    Integrated CANVAS: canagliflozin offers cardioprotection at amputation cost

    Medicine Matters editorial board member Carol Wysham (Rockwood Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology, Spokane, Washington, USA), who was a site investigator for CANVAS, said: “Clinically at this point, I’m not inclined to say that I need to be switching all my patients from canagliflozin to empagliflozin.

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