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57 search results for:

Anti-hypertensive medications 

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  1. 10-13-2022 | Anti-hypertensive medications | News | Article
    News in brief

    TIME of antihypertensive administration ‘should be shared decision’

    The TIME study finds no difference between morning and evening administration of antihypertensive medications in terms of preventing major adverse cardiovascular events.

  2. 03-03-2022 | Anti-hypertensive medications | News | Article

    Verapamil type 1 diabetes benefits sustained for at least 2 years

    Analysis of the affected genes indicated that “verapamil regulates the thioredoxin system and promotes an antioxidative, anti-apoptotic and immunomodulatory gene expression profile in human islets,” they say. medwireNews is an independent medical news service provided by Springer Healthcare Ltd. © 2022 Springer Healthcare Ltd, part of the Springer Nature Group Nat Commun 2022; 13 : 1159

  3. 05-04-2023 | Diet | News | Article

    DiRECT extension shows potential for persistent type 2 diabetes remission

    Remission was defined as having glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) below 48 mmol/mol (6.5%) without use of diabetes medications.

  4. 11-17-2021 | Diabetes prevention | News | Article

    Lowering blood pressure may help type 2 diabetes prevention

    Rahimi et al conclude: “The evidence that blood pressure reduction is linked to diabetes presents clinicians and health policy makers with an opportunity to modify disease risk, for instance, either through the use of appropriate antihypertensive medications or by promoting lifestyle behaviours known to reduce blood pressure such as by maintaining a healthy weight through physical activity and a balanced diet.”

  5. 09-26-2020 | EASD 2020 | Conference coverage | Article

    Cardioprotective measures neglected in young-onset type 2 diabetes

    During 2 years of follow-up, people who had not received blood pressure or lipid-lowering medications within a year of requiring them were significantly less likely to achieve control of these risk factors than those who had received treatment in a more timely fashion.

  6. 05-31-2021 | Hypertension | News | Article

    DiRECT analysis supports antihypertensive withdrawal before very-low-calorie diet

    Blood pressure falls markedly when people with type 2 diabetes undertake a very-low-calorie diet, and immediate withdrawal of antihypertensive medications has few ill effects, say the DiRECT investigators.

  7. 06-01-2022 | Cardiovascular outcomes | News | Article

    No long-term CV benefits seen 2 decades after DPP interventions

    They also point out the “extensive out-of-study use of lipid-lowering and antihypertensive medications, provision of a less intensive lifestyle intervention to all DPPOS participants, and increased out-of-study metformin use over time, which may both have limited the apparent effects of the interventions and have been valuable preventive strategies.”

  8. 05-20-2022 | Immunotherapy | Hot topic review | Article

    How far has immunotherapy for type 1 diabetes progressed?

    Two notable trials attempted to promote anti-inflammatory molecules, by giving interferon-α (to boost interleukin [IL]-4 and IL-10) and the endogenous anti-inflammatory protein alpha‐1 antitrypsin, both of which appeared promising in preclinical research.

  9. 02-11-2021 | Semaglutide | Commentary | Article

    STEP 1: Semaglutide for weight loss

    We don't expect blood pressure to stay down if we stop the anti-hypertensive.

  10. 04-07-2022 | Mental health | News | Article

    Mental illness no barrier to glucose control in type 2 diabetes

    Being in receipt of glucose-lowering or antihypertensive medications was perversely associated with a reduced likelihood of achieving HbA1c and SBP targets, respectively, but the researchers believe this “may be explained by a tendency amongst doctors to prescribe medication in response to a failure to reach targets.”

  11. 03-08-2019 | Diet | DUKPC 2019 | Article

    The DiRECT trial in practice

    They were also provided with guidance on the appointment content, which included: setting expectations and reviewing progress; measurements, eg, weight, blood pressure, and glucose; a review of the need for anti-diabetes and anti-hypertensive medication according to guidelines; provision of formula diet; and appointment workbooks to guide further discussion with the participant.

  12. 09-29-2021 | EASD 2021 | News | Article
    News in brief

    Obstructive sleep apnea risk increased in type 1 diabetes

    Among these people, the risk for developing OSA was highest in those who were male, older, overweight or obese, had depression or atrial fibrillation, or used lipid-lowering or antihypertensive medications.

  13. 09-29-2021 | EASD 2021 | News | Article

    Non-dipping of nocturnal blood pressure linked to adverse outcomes in type 1 diabetes

    Taken together, these findings raise the question of whether bedtime dosing of antihypertensive medications could reduce the risk for mortality and adverse kidney outcomes in people with type 1 diabetes and nocturnal non-dipping, said Hjortkjaer.

  14. play
    01-17-2018 | Hypertension | Ask the expert | Video

    Why aren't we reaching blood pressure goals, despite the raised target?

    In the wake of the revised blood pressure targets, Editorial Board member Jay Shubrook and Advisory Board member Robert Chilton discuss clinical approaches to get hypertensive diabetes patients to target more consistently (12:29).

  15. 09-07-2021 | Nephropathy | Ask the expert | Article

    DKD treatment update: SGLT2 inhibitors and finerenone

    Had a combination of hypertensive nephrosclerosis, a fair amount of people with IgA nephropathy, and typical to chronic kidney disease, a mishmash of other diseases that are not fully diagnosed.

  16. 12-05-2018 | Empagliflozin | News | Article

    Empagliflozin beneficial for uncontrolled nocturnal hypertension

    Besides taking ARBs, about two-thirds of the patients were also taking calcium channel blockers and a quarter were taking diuretics, with smaller proportions taking alpha-blockers, beta-blockers, and other antihypertensive medications.

  17. 09-30-2018 | UKPDS | At a glance | Article

    What we learned from the UKPDS

    Extrapolated to the population of England, the costs of intensively treating all diabetes patients with the trial medications were equivalent to “a small fraction of the NHS's spending plans” [89].

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