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12 search results for:

ATTD 2019 

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  1. 02-23-2019 | Devices and technology | ATTD 2019 | Article

    Technology conference highlights from a diabetes educator

    Editorial board member Lori Berard gives her take-home messages from the 2019 ATTD conference (1:42).

  2. 07-05-2019 | Continuous glucose monitoring | News | Article

    ATTD consensus group releases time in range recommendations

    A statement from an ATTD consensus group has streamlined previously agreed continuous glucose monitoring metrics and set out time in range targets.

  3. 02-21-2019 | Psychosocial care | ATTD 2019 | Article

    Expert highlights: Psychology and patient-reported outcome symposia at ATTD

    ATTD 2019: Kath Barnard talks about why is it important to feature psychologic research and patient-reported outcomes at a diabetes technology

  4. 10-16-2019 | Continuous glucose monitoring | Feature | Article

    CGM time in range: A higher standard for an engaged few?

    By Eleanor McDermid medwireNews is an independent medical news service provided by Springer Healthcare. © 2019 Springer Healthcare part of the Springer Nature group

  5. 02-22-2019 | Continuous glucose monitoring | ATTD 2019 | Article

    Researcher comment: The benefits of starting CGM immediately after diabetes diagnosis

    ATTD 2019: Korey Hood discusses his research looking at the effects on patients and carers of starting CGM straight after diabetes diagnosis.

  6. 02-22-2019 | Psychosocial care | ATTD 2019 | Article

    Psychosocial research in diabetes: An endocrinologist’s viewpoint

    ATTD 2019: Tim Jones explains why psychosocial research matters to clinicians, and discusses a randomized trial of CGM from the point of diabetes

  7. 02-22-2019 | Psychosocial care | ATTD 2019 | Article

    Expert highlights: Psychologic issues influencing device uptake in teens with diabetes

    ATTD 2019: Korey Hood outlines some psychologic issues that should be addressed to optimize the uptake of diabetes technologies by adolescents.

  8. 02-21-2019 | Hypoglycemia | ATTD 2019 | Article

    Expert commentary: Gauging hypoglycemia risk in routine clinical practice

    ATTD 2019: Simon Heller outlines some straightforward tactics for assessing people’s risk for hypoglycemia during routine consultations.

  9. 02-28-2019 | Hypoglycemia | News | Article

    Rechecking flash glucose monitor within the hour halves risk for prolonged hypoglycemia

    By Eleanor McDermid medwireNews is an independent medical news service provided by Springer Healthcare. © 2019 Springer Healthcare part of the Springer Nature group

  10. 02-26-2019 | Psychosocial care | ATTD 2019 | Article

    CGM at diabetes diagnosis improves family psychosocial outcomes

    By Eleanor McDermid medwireNews is an independent medical news service provided by Springer Healthcare. © 2019 Springer Healthcare part of the Springer Nature group

  11. 07-12-2019 | Continuous glucose monitoring | News | Article

    CGM measures have variable correlation with HbA1c

    . © 2019 Springer Healthcare part of the Springer Nature group Diabet Med 2019; doi:10.1111/dme.14065 More on this topic News story  |  ATTD consensus group releases time in range recommendations News story  |  Short-term CGM uncovers type 1 diabetes management issues​​​​​​​ Expert opinion  |  The ambulatory glucose profile: What, why, and how?​​​​​​​

  12. 02-19-2019 | Artificial pancreas systems | Feature | Article

    What’s all the fuss about the DIY artificial pancreas?

    DIY figure Interestingly, the ATTD , despite its self-declared commitment to new diabetes technologies and treatments, held back from including DIY closed-looping in its 2018 conference program (although it included it in 2019), hinting at the controversy the movement has stirred up within the diabetes healthcare professional community; speaking to individual specialists undercovers everything from cautious advocacy to doom-saying.

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