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  1. 14-07-2023 | Type 2 diabetes | News | Article

    Cagrilintide plus semaglutide shows dual benefit in type 2 diabetes

    Improved glycemic control and weight loss seen with the coadministration of cagrilintide and semaglutide in a phase 2 trial.

  2. 09-01-2023 | Semaglutide | News | Article

    FDA approves high-dose semaglutide for adolescents with obesity

    Semaglutide 2.4 mg has previously been approved for use in adults with a BMI above 30 kg/m2 and those with a BMI above 27 kg/m2 and a weight-related comorbidity, such as type 2 diabetes or hypertension.

  3. 01-12-2022 | Semaglutide | News | Article

    High-dose semaglutide reduces obesity-linked inflammatory marker

    Levels of the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein decrease in people with or without type 2 diabetes taking weekly semaglutide 2.4 mg, shows analysis of three STEP trials.

  4. 10-10-2022 | Semaglutide | News | Article

    STEP 5: Sustained semaglutide treatment maintains weight loss

    The substantial weight loss achieved with weekly semaglutide 2.4 mg is maintained if people continue to take the medication for 2 years, show the STEP 5 results.

  5. 02-11-2022 | Semaglutide | News | Article

    STEP TEENS: High-dose semaglutide weight loss benefits shown in adolescents

    Semaglutide at a dose of 2.4 mg/week results in substantial weight loss among adolescents with obesity, show the results of the STEP TEENS trial.

  6. 09-05-2022 | Semaglutide | News | Article

    Bodyweight rebounds after semaglutide withdrawal

    People who lose weight while taking semaglutide 2.4 mg regain two-thirds of what they lost during the first year after stopping the medication, shows the STEP 1 extension study.

  7. 19-05-2022 | Semaglutide | News | Article
    News in brief

    Semaglutide offers alternative to prandial insulin in type 2 diabetes

    Adding a weekly semaglutide injection in people already using basal insulin to treat type 2 diabetes avoids the need for prandial insulin, show the SUSTAIN 11 findings.

  8. 01-04-2022 | Semaglutide | News | Article

    Higher semaglutide dose approved in USA

    medwireNews : Semaglutide will soon be available at a dose of 2.0 mg in the USA , following FDA approval.

  9. 08-04-2022 | DUKPC 2022 | News | Article

    Within-class switch to semaglutide brings benefits in real-world cohort

    Real-world data confirm glycated hemoglobin and weight benefits, albeit attenuated, for people with type 2 diabetes switching to injectable semaglutide from other GLP-1 receptor agonists.

  10. 07-02-2022 | Semaglutide | News | Article

    STEP 6: Semaglutide addresses ‘pathophysiology of metabolic syndrome’ in east Asians

    The STEP 6 findings reveal significant weight loss, along with a reduction in abdominal visceral fat, in east Asian people with obesity taking a high dose of semaglutide.

  11. 11-01-2022 | Semaglutide | News | Article

    STEP 8: Semaglutide better than liraglutide at weight-management doses

    Semaglutide 2.4 mg produces substantially more weight loss than liraglutide 3.0 mg in people with overweight or obesity but without diabetes, say the STEP 8 investigators.

  12. 17-11-2021 | Semaglutide | News | Article

    Semaglutide 2.4 mg receives EMA approval for obesity

    Semaglutide will be available in concentrations of 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.7, and 2.4 mg.

  13. 05-10-2021 | EASD 2021 | News | Article
    News in brief

    Semaglutide treatment may reduce systemic inflammation

    Semaglutide treatment results in significant reductions in levels of the inflammatory marker high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, indicates further analysis of the PIONEER and SUSTAIN trials.

  14. 04-05-2021 | Obesity | News | Article

    Cagrilintide, semaglutide combination warrants further investigation for weight loss

    Phase 1 trial results published in The Lancet suggest that combination treatment with the long-acting amylin analog cagrilintide plus high-dose semaglutide is well tolerated and may be a feasible treatment option for obesity.

  15. 01-07-2021 | ADA 2021 | News | Article
    News in brief

    Weight loss with semaglutide improves life quality

    People with type 2 diabetes who lose weight while taking semaglutide have a parallel improvement in their health-related quality of life, particularly that related to physical exertion, report the STEP 2 investigators,

  16. play
    29-06-2021 | ADA 2021 | Conference coverage | Video

    The SURPASS trials so far: Tirzepatide, semaglutide, and type 2 diabetes

    John Wilding gives an overview of the SURPASS findings to date, and discusses their importance and how tirzepatide may be used in the clinic.

  17. play
    28-06-2021 | ADA 2021 | Conference coverage | Video

    SURPASS-2: Tirzepatide versus semaglutide in people with type 2 diabetes

    Juan Pablo Frías explains the significance of the SURPASS-2 findings, in which the dual agonist tirzepatide provided superior glycemic control and weight loss to semaglutide.

  18. 05-06-2021 | Semaglutide | News | Article

    FDA approves higher semaglutide dose for obesity

    medwireNews : The US FDA has approved the 2.4 mg weekly dose of semaglutide to treat obesity regardless of the presence of type 2 diabetes.

  19. 26-06-2021 | ADA 2021 | News | Article

    Tirzepatide has efficacy edge over semaglutide in SURPASS-2

    People with type 2 diabetes on metformin monotherapy have greater glycemic control improvement and weight reduction with tirzepatide than semaglutide, report the SURPASS-2 investigators.

  20. 30-06-2021 | ADA 2021 | News | Article
    News in brief

    Semaglutide 2.4 mg reduces progression to type 2 diabetes

    Taking semaglutide 2.4 mg can reduce the likelihood of people with overweight or obesity developing type 2 diabetes, shows further analysis of STEP 1.

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