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36 search results for:

Sanjay Kalra 

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  1. 20-05-2022 | Hyperglycemia | View from the clinic | Article

    Managing hyperglycemia in the face of a high-carbohydrate diet

    Sanjay Kalra considers the course of action when blood glucose remains high in someone who cannot, or will not, modify a high-carbohydrate diet.

  2. 17-12-2021 | Type 1 diabetes | Conference report | Article

    Conference report: ESICON 2021

    Sanjay Kalra reports back from the Golden Jubilee Annual Conference of the Endocrine Society of India.

  3. 26-10-2021 | Type 2 diabetes | Conference report | Article

    Conference report: SAFES summit 2021

    October 2, 2021: Kathmandu, Nepal

    Sanjay Kalra reports back from the 2021 South Asian Federation of Endocrine Societies summit.

  4. 13-10-2021 | Hypoglycemia | View from the clinic | Article

    Endemic hypoglycemia

    In the final article in this series, Sanjay Kalra highlights region-specific causes of hypoglycemia requiring a tailored management approach.

  5. 21-09-2021 | Hypoglycemia | View from the clinic | Article

    Hypoglycemia in people taking alpha-glucosidase inhibitors

    Sanjay Kalra explains how use of alpha-glucosidase inhibitors in people with type 2 diabetes can complicate the treatment of hypoglycemia.

  6. 21-09-2021 | Hypoglycemia | View from the clinic | Article

    Reactive hypoglycemia

    In the second article of this series, Sanjay Kalra describes the issue of reactive hypoglycemia and how to best manage it.

  7. 14-11-2018 | Cardiovascular outcomes | Editorial | Article

    What have I learned from cardiovascular outcome trials?

    Endocrinologist Sanjay Kalra considers the impact that cardiovascular outcome trials have had on the standard of diabetes care and questions what else they might accomplish in the future.

  8. 12-09-2018 | Diet | Commentary | Article

    Diet–drug interactions: Why two rights can make a wrong

    Editorial Board member and Endocrinologist, Sanjay Kalra comments on the issues raised by a clinical case involving sodium glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor therapy alongside a restrictive diet.

  9. 16-05-2018 | Devices and technology | Editorial | Article

    Digital diabetology

    Editorial Board member Sanjay Kalra presents his view on the march toward greater integration of digital health technologies and how traditional approaches to diabetes management are already changing.

  10. 24-06-2020 | ADA 2020 | Conference coverage | Article

    ADA 2020 goes virtual! Editorial Board conference highlights

    Speakers:   Lori Berard , John Wilding , Sanjay Kalra Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 80th ADA Scientific Sessions was an entirely online event.

  11. 03-03-2020 | Guidelines | Editorial | Article

    Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes: A 2020 Update from the American Diabetes Association

    Sanjay Kalra, Diabetologist and Editorial Board member, outlines what's new in the American Diabetes Association’s 2020 Standards of Care update. 

  12. 29-10-2019 | Diabetes prevention | Editorial | Article

    The family and diabetes care: A multifaceted relationship

    Before attention turns to World Diabetes Day 2019, Sanjay Kalra revisits 2018’s theme to evaluate the concerns and opportunities presented by “The Family and Diabetes”.

  13. 22-05-2019 | Sulfonylureas | Editorial | Article

    The CAROLINA trial: Make or break for sulfonylureas?

    Diabetologist Sanjay Kalra puts the CAROLINA trial into historical context and considers the present-day implications for the use of DPP-4 inhibitors and sulfonylureas.

  14. 22-11-2017 | Cardiovascular disorders | Editorial | Article

    Diabetes in special situations: Sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors in acute coronary syndrome

    Editorial Board member Sanjay Kalra presents a pragmatic approach to the use of sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors in patients affected by acute coronary syndromes.

  15. 13-11-2017 | Gestational diabetes | Editorial | Article

    Gestational diabetes mellitus: Opportunity, not despair

    Should gestational diabetes mellitus be viewed as an opportunity, or an inequality, and should it be a cause for dynamism or despair? Sanjay Kalra and Ankia Coetzee present their perspective on gestational diabetes mellitus.

  16. 23-10-2017 | Cardiovascular disorders | Editorial | Article

    Diabetes in special situations: Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist use in acute myocardial infarction

    Editorial Board member Sanjay Kalra presents a pragmatic approach to the use of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists in patients affected by acute myocardial infarction.

  17. 05-12-2018 | Diabetes distress | Editorial | Article

    Diabetes distress: What’s in a name?

    Sanjay Kalra and Psychiatrist Yatan Pal Singh Balhara question whether “diabetes distress” is well understood outside of the diabetes field and consider whether alternative terminology may help to bridge the knowledge gap.

  18. 30-05-2018 | Insulin | Editorial | Article

    Hit early, hit hard: The EADSG insulin guidelines

    Sanjay Kalra and Silver Bahendeka, East Africa Diabetes Study Group Chair, provide an overview of the latest insulin guidance developed to aid management in a challenging region, facing familiar struggles.

  19. 25-11-2016 | Insulin | Editorial | Article

    Choosing an insulin delivery device

    Medicine Matters diabetes contributor Sanjay Kalra describes a process of shared and informed decision-making to helps ensure that the right delivery

  20. 21-02-2018 | Primary care | Editorial | Article

    Compassion fatigue in diabetes care professionals

    Awareness and education about compassion fatigue can help to limit its incidence and severity. Sanjay Kalra outlines strategies to identify and manage the emotional exhaustion that often affects diabetes caregivers.

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