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63 search results for:

Liraglutide (T2DM) 

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  1. 05-06-2023 | Prediabetes | News | Article

    Caloric restriction outperforms liraglutide for weight loss in prediabetes

    Using liraglutide in people with obesity and prediabetes is a valuable strategy for weight loss, but improvements are greater with caloric restriction alone, suggest study results.

  2. 01-10-2021 | EASD 2021 | News | Article
    News in brief

    Liraglutide treatment may reduce cardiac adipose tissue

    Treatment with the GLP-1 receptor agonist liraglutide is associated with a reduction in cardiac adipose tissue volume among people with type 2 diabetes, suggests a secondary analysis of data from the LiraFlame trial.

  3. 13-10-2021 | Liraglutide (T2DM) | News | Article

    Liraglutide add-on may offer better control than OADs in type 2 diabetes

    The addition of liraglutide rather than extra oral antidiabetic drugs may offer more sustained glycemic control for people with type 2 diabetes who have inadequate control with metformin, suggest findings of the international LIRA-PRIME study.

  4. 01-10-2021 | EASD 2021 | News | Article

    LIRALUNG: Liraglutide may improve some measures of lung function in type 2 diabetes

    Findings from a phase 3 randomized crossover trial suggest that 7 weeks of treatment with liraglutide may improve forced vital capacity among people with type 2 diabetes and impaired lung function.

  5. 08-03-2021 | Immunotherapy | News | Article

    Anti-IL-21, liraglutide combination may warrant further investigation for early type 1 diabetes

    Phase 2 study results suggest that add-on treatment with an anti-IL-21 antibody plus liraglutide could preserve endogenous insulin secretion in people with recent-onset type 1 diabetes.

  6. 09-03-2020 | Liraglutide (T2DM) | News | Article

    Liraglutide may reduce CV risk regardless of heart failure

    A post-hoc analysis of the LEADER trial suggests that liraglutide reduces cardiovascular risk in people with type 2 diabetes regardless of whether they have heart failure.

  7. 18-09-2019 | Semaglutide | EASD 2019 | Article
    News in brief

    Semaglutide tops liraglutide in SUSTAIN 10

    Findings from the SUSTAIN 10 trial show that semaglutide results in better glycemic control than liraglutide when added to oral antidiabetic drugs in people with type 2 diabetes.

  8. 23-09-2019 | Liraglutide (T2DM) | EASD 2019 | Article

    Add-on liraglutide may preserve insulin secretion in type 1 diabetes

    Findings from the NewLira trial suggest that addition of the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist liraglutide to insulin treatment may preserve postprandial insulin secretion among adults with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes.

  9. 07-12-2018 | Liraglutide (T2DM) | News | Article

    Liraglutide cardioprotection replicated in real-world data

    Registry data from Denmark and Sweden uphold the cardioprotective effects of liraglutide observed in randomized trials, with the strongest effects seen in patients with established cardiovascular disease.

  10. 29-04-2019 | Liraglutide (T2DM) | News | Article

    Ellipse trial: Liraglutide expands treatment options for pediatric type 2 diabetes

    Tamborlane believes that slow liraglutide dose titration might explain this finding.

  11. 03-11-2018 | Liraglutide (T2DM) | Article

    Liraglutide and glycemic outcomes in the LEADER trial

    The objective of this post hoc analysis of the LEADER trial is to describe glycaemic effectiveness and durability with liraglutide compared with

  12. 03-12-2018 | Liraglutide (T2DM) | News | Article

    Older type 2 diabetes patients may derive greatest liraglutide benefits

    The LEADER investigators report that treatment with the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist liraglutide may be of particular benefit in the oldest patients with type 2 diabetes.

  13. 06-06-2019 | Liraglutide (T2DM) | News | Article

    Liraglutide may be an option for people with unresolved type 2 diabetes after metabolic surgery

    Findings from the GRAVITAS trial indicate that use of the GLP-1 receptor agonist liraglutide alongside a diet and physical activity intervention may improve glycemic control among people with persistent or recurrent type 2 diabetes after bariatric surgery.

  14. 12-07-2018 | Liraglutide (T2DM) | News | Article

    Predictors of liraglutide response in clinical practice reported

    Factors including bodyweight and treatment duration predict response to liraglutide in patients with type 2 diabetes treated in clinical practice, report researchers.

  15. 26-07-2018 | Semaglutide | News | Article

    Semaglutide tops liraglutide for glycemic control in phase II trial

    Patients with type 2 diabetes who are treated with semaglutide experience greater improvements in glycemic control than those given liraglutide, but at the cost of a higher risk for gastrointestinal adverse events, researchers report.

  16. 18-05-2018 | Liraglutide (T2DM) | News | Article

    Real-world data support liraglutide use in obese patients

    Obese patients with type 2 diabetes who receive treatment intensification with liraglutide may have better glycemic control than those given basal insulin, researchers report.

  17. 15-03-2018 | Liraglutide (T2DM) | News | Article
    DUKPC 2018 in brief

    Liraglutide associated with decreased risk for severe hypoglycemia

    A post-hoc analysis of the LEADER trial indicates that liraglutide treatment may reduce the risk for severe hypoglycemia among patients with type 2 diabetes.

  18. 17-10-2018 | Liraglutide (T2DM) | News | Article

    Cardiovascular benefits of liraglutide in type 2 diabetes apply to high-risk subgroups

    The cardioprotective effects of liraglutide apply to patients with chronic kidney disease as well as those with established cardiovascular disease, show two post-hoc analyses of the LEADER trial.

  19. 10-05-2017 | Liraglutide (T2DM) | News | Article

    Liraglutide link with pancreatitis unlikely

    Taking the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist liraglutide does not increase patients’ risk for acute pancreatitis during more than 3 years of treatment, show two reports analyzing the LEADER and SCALE trials.

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