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206 search results for:

Lifestyle intervention 

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  1. 24-10-2023 | Type 2 diabetes | News | Article

    Prediabetes remission with lifestyle intervention reduces type 2 diabetes risk

    A post-hoc analysis of the German Prediabetes Lifestyle Intervention Study has found that people who achieve remission of prediabetes by losing weight through lifestyle intervention for 12 months may reduce their risk for developing type 2 diabetes.

  2. 09-08-2022 | Older adults | News | Article

    Lifestyle intervention strategy beneficial for older adults with diabetes

    Lifestyle intervention proves “highly successful” in adults with diabetes aged 65 to 85 years, improving both metabolic and functional health, report researchers.

  3. 13-09-2021 | Psychosocial care | News | Article

    Peer support enhances lifestyle intervention benefits for new type 2 diabetes

    People with newly detected type 2 diabetes may gain more from a lifestyle intervention if supported by peers who have had the condition for longer, suggest findings from a randomized trial.

  4. 26-05-2020 | Lifestyle interventions | News | Article

    Telehealth lifestyle intervention helps reduce excess gestational weight gain

    A telehealth-based lifestyle intervention can significantly reduce excessive gestational weight gain relative to usual antenatal care, among pregnant women who are overweight or obese, US study findings indicate.

  5. 01-07-2019 | Ethnic groups | News | Article

    Lifestyle interventions reduce diabetes risk in South Asians

    Meta-analysis data show that lifestyle modification interventions can reduce the risk for developing type 2 diabetes by more than a third in high-risk adults of South Asian origin.

  6. 26-04-2019 | Diabetes prevention | News | Article

    Da Qing study: Lifestyle intervention benefits persist for decades

    Lifestyle interventions to delay the onset of type 2 diabetes result in marked long-term reductions in cardiovascular disease and mortality, shows the 30-year follow-up of the Da Qing Diabetes Prevention Outcome Study.

  7. 24-06-2018 | Lifestyle interventions | ADA 2018 | Article
    News in brief

    Lifestyle intervention cuts long-term CVD events in people at risk for diabetes

    A 6-year diet and exercise intervention significantly reduces the long-term risk for cardiovascular disease in Chinese adults with impaired glucose tolerance, research suggests.

  8. 06-11-2017 | Prediabetes | News | Article

    Lifestyle interventions have most staying power for diabetes prevention

    A meta-analysis shows that although medications and lifestyle changes can both reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes in high-risk patients, only lifestyle modifications have a sustained effect.

  9. 16-05-2017 | Lifestyle interventions | News | Article

    Telemedical lifestyle intervention boosts glycemic control

    A multimodal telemedical lifestyle intervention improves glycemic control compared with standard care among patients with advanced type 2 diabetes, researchers report.

  10. 29-01-2018 | Gestational diabetes | News | Article

    Lifestyle intervention could aid weight loss in women with gestational diabetes

    A postpartum lifestyle intervention may help women with gestational diabetes to lose weight following childbirth, indicate results from the 1-year analysis of the Tianjin Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Prevention Program randomized controlled trial.

  11. 30-07-2018 | Gestational diabetes | Article

    Lifestyle intervention in Danish obese pregnant women with early gestational diabetes mellitus according to WHO 2013 criteria does not change pregnancy outcomes: Results from the LiP (Lifestyle in Pregnancy) study

    Vinter CA et al. Diabetes Care 2018: dc180808. doi: 10.2337/dc18-0808

  12. 17-03-2016 | Metabolic surgery | Article

    Gastric bypass surgery vs intensive lifestyle and medical intervention for type 2 diabetes: The CROSSROADS randomized controlled trial

    Cummings DE et al. Diabetologia  2016; 59: 945–953. doi: 10.1007/s00125-016-3903-x

  13. 23-06-2017 | Obesity | News | Article

    Poor-quality evidence for lifestyle interventions in overweight children

    “[T]he fact that these intervention effects might not persist is not a failure of the initial intervention, but due to a lack of maintenance interventions,” they write in The Cochrane Library .

  14. 16-08-2017 | Lifestyle interventions | News | Article

    Lifestyle intervention has modest impact on glycemic control in type 2 diabetes

    Adding an intensive lifestyle intervention to usual care slightly improves glycemic control but substantially reduces the need for glucose-lowering medication among patients with non–insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes, suggest trial results published as a preliminary communication in JAMA .

  15. 31-05-2018 | Diabetes prevention | Article

    The post-trial analysis of the Indian SMS Diabetes Prevention Study shows persistent beneficial effects of lifestyle intervention

    Nanditha A et al. Diabetes Res Clin Prac 2018; 142: 213–221. doi: 10.1016/j.diabres.2018.05.042

  16. 23-02-2017 | Liraglutide (obesity) | News | Article

    Liraglutide boosts preventive power of lifestyle intervention in prediabetes

    Liraglutide enhances the positive effects of lifestyle intervention on weight loss and glycemic control in patients with prediabetes, show the 3-year outcomes of the SCALE Obesity and Prediabetes trial.

  17. 26-07-2017 | Adolescents | News | Article

    Poor lifestyle intervention adherence may dilute effectiveness in youths with type 2 diabetes

    Session attendance was only moderate and self-monitoring very poor in youths with type 2 diabetes who participated in the TODAY lifestyle programme, an analysis shows.

  18. 06-06-2018 | Lifestyle interventions | Article

    A peer-support lifestyle intervention for preventing type 2 diabetes in India: A cluster-randomized controlled trial of the Kerala Diabetes Prevention Program

    Thankappan KR et al. PLoS Med 2018; 15: e1002575. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002575

  19. 02-11-2018 | Lifestyle interventions | Article

    Effect of a lifestyle intervention program with energy-restricted Mediterranean diet and exercise on weight loss and cardiovascular risk factors: One-year results of the PREDIMED-Plus trial

    Salas-Salvadó J et al. Diabetes Care 2018: dc180836. doi: 10.2337/dc18-0836

  20. 18-06-2018 | Lifestyle interventions | Article

    Long-term outcomes of lifestyle intervention to prevent diabetes in American Indian and Alaska Native communities: The Special Diabetes Program for Indians Diabetes Prevention Program

    Jiang L et al. Diabetes Care 2018; 41: 1462–1470. doi: 10.2337/dc17-2685

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