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7 search results for:

Insulin icodec 

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  1. 05-10-2023 | Type 2 diabetes | News | Article

    ONWARDS 5: Weekly insulin icodec with app shows real-world promise for type 2 diabetes

    Result from ONWARDS 5 trial show weekly insulin icodec plus a dosing app offers greater reductions in glycated hemoglobin than daily basal insulin analogs for type 2 diabetes.

  2. 05-05-2023 | Insulin icodec | News | Article

    ONWARDS 2: Weekly insulin icodec superior to degludec in type 2 diabetes

    The results of ONWARDS 2 show significantly improved glycemic control with weekly insulin icodec versus daily insulin degludec, without significantly increased hypoglycemia, in people with type 2 diabetes.

  3. 06-06-2022 | ADA 2022 | News | Article

    ​​​​​​​Hypoglycemia risk from insulin overdose no worse with icodec than glargine

    The risk for hypoglycemia from an accidental basal insulin overdose is no higher with weekly insulin icodec than with daily glargine U100 in people with type 2 diabetes, report researchers.

  4. 29-09-2021 | EASD 2021 | News | Article

    No difference in hypoglycemia duration with insulin icodec vs insulin glargine in type 2 diabetes

    People with type 2 diabetes receiving the once-weekly basal insulin analog insulin icodec have similar hypoglycemic episode durations to those given insulin glargine, regardless of titration algorithm, initial loading dose, or prior insulin use, study findings indicate.

  5. 24-03-2021 | Basal insulin Fc | News | Article

    Second weekly insulin shows phase 2 promise for type 2 diabetes

    A novel weekly insulin achieves similar glycemic control to insulin degludec at a higher fasting glucose target, report the investigators at the virtual ENDO 2021 meeting.

  6. 16-06-2020 | ADA 2020 | Conference coverage | Article

    First weekly insulin shows equivalence with glargine in type 2 diabetes

    A novel insulin that can be given as a once-weekly injection has achieved promising results in a randomized phase 2 trial involving people with type 2 diabetes.

  7. 24-06-2020 | ADA 2020 | Conference coverage | Article

    ADA 2020 goes virtual! Editorial Board conference highlights

    Listen to our Editorial Board reflecting on their ADA scientific highlights, and its novel virtual format (34:17).

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