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  1. 22-09-2022 | EASD 2022 | News | Article

    Model could predict severe hypoglycemia risk in people with type 2 diabetes

    When the sulfonylureas were analyzed separately, the highest incidence of severe hypoglycemia was seen in people taking glibenclamide (13.6 per 1000 person–years) and the lowest in those on gliclazide modified release (1.66 per 1000 person–years).

  2. 09-08-2022 | Liraglutide (T2DM) | At a glance | Article

    A quick guide to the LEAD trials

    Trial population Comparator treatment Links Japanese populations given lower doses Uncontrolled with lifestyle therapy and oral antidiabetic medication monotherapy Glibenclamide NCT00393718  Journal publication Uncontrolled with lifestyle therapy and oral antidiabetic medication monotherapy Investigator’s choice of oral antidiabetic medication NCT01512108 Journal publication Uncontrolled on sulfonylurea monotherapy Placebo NCT00395746 Journal publication Uncontrolled on insulin (basal/premixed/basal–bolus) Placebo NCT01572740  Journal publication Japanese populations given higher dose Uncontrolled with lifestyle therapy and oral antidiabetic medication monotherapy Liraglutide 0.9 mg NCT02505334   Chinese/Indian/Korean population given higher dose Uncontrolled on one or more antidiabetic medications Glimepiride NCT00614120 Journal publication medwireNews is an independent medical news service provided by Springer Healthcare Ltd. © 2022 Springer Healthcare Ltd, part of the Springer Nature Group

  3. 24-05-2018 | Gliclazide | Review | Article

    The place of gliclazide MR in the evolving type 2 diabetes landscape: A comparison with other sulfonylureas and newer oral antihyperglycemic agents

    Colagiuri S et al. Diabetes Res Clin Prac 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.diabres.2018.05.028

  4. 31-08-2018 | Medications | News | Article

    Poor availability, affordability compromise global diabetes medication use

    Medication availability became a larger problem for patients needing more than metformin, with glibenclamide and gliclazide only available in 75.2–84.1% of pharmacies even in high-income countries.

  5. 07-12-2017 | Gestational diabetes | News | Article

    November Cochrane round-up

    But maternal and infant outcomes did not otherwise differ with insulin versus oral antidiabetic agents (most commonly metformin and/or glibenclamide) across the 53 included studies, which contained data from 7381 women and 6435 infants.

  6. 30-09-2018 | UKPDS | Feature | Article

    The UKPDS: A lasting legacy

    So the UKPDS randomly assigned patients to receive intensive treatment with a sulfonylurea (chlorpropamide, glibenclamide, or glipizide) or insulin, or conventional treatment in the form of dietary intervention, and those who were more than 120% of their ideal bodyweight were additionally randomized to receive or not receive metformin.

  7. 09-03-2018 | Healthcare systems | Editorial | Article

    My journey into diabetes nursing: A perspective from the UK National Health Service

    Initial treatment was with sulfonylureas (then glibenclamide) for patients of a healthy weight and with metformin for those with a body mass index greater than 25 kg/m 2 .

  8. 16-06-2018 | Medications | Review | Article

    Availability and affordability of essential medicines: Implications for global diabetes treatment

    Beran D et al. Curr Diab Rep 2018; 18: 48. doi: 10.1007/s11892-018-1019-z

  9. 04-06-2018 | Neonatal diabetes | Article

    Effectiveness and safety of long-term treatment with sulfonylureas in patients with neonatal diabetes due to KCNJ11 mutations: An international cohort study

    Bowman P et al. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2018. doi: 10.1016/S2213-8587(18)30106-2

  10. 15-02-2018 | MODY | Review | Article

    Clinical management of women with monogenic diabetes during pregnancy

    Dickens LT, Naylor RN. Curr Diab Rep 2018; 18: 12. doi: 10.1007/s11892-018-0982-8

  11. 11-06-2017 | Conference report | Article
    ADA 2017

    Day 1 highlights: Friday 9th June

    Many more studies showed no increased cardiovascular risk with sulfonylurea therapy or between the different types of sulfonylurea, although Khunti noted that the risk was lowest with glicazide, followed by glimepiride and glibenclamide.

  12. 01-06-1983 | MODY | Article

    UK prospective study of therapies of maturity-onset diabetes. I. Effect of diet, sulfonylurea, insulin or biguanide therapy on fasting plasma glucose and body weight over one year

    UKPDS Study Group.  Diabetologia 1983; 24: 404–411. doi: 10.1007/BF00257337

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