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7 search results for:

European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) 

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  1. 05-10-2018 | Hyperglycemia | Article

    Management of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes, 2018. A consensus report by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)

    This consensus report addresses the approaches to management of glycemia in adults with type 2 diabetes, with the goal of reducing complications and maintaining quality of life in the context of comprehensive cardiovascular risk management and patient-centered care.

  2. 04-11-2016 | Clinical trial | Editorial | Article

    My EASD 2016 Highlights: From Paleolithic diets to the artificial pancreas

    Editorial board member John Wilding outlines key moments from the 52nd annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes in Munich, Germany.

  3. 30-01-2019 | Cardiovascular outcomes | Case study | Article

    Cardiovascular risk reduction in type 2 diabetes

    Pharmacological management of comorbid cardiovascular risk and type 2 diabetes is undergoing a paradigm shift. General practitioner Kevin Fernando puts recommendations from the ADA/EASD into practice in this patient case study.

  4. 14-11-2018 | Cardiovascular outcomes | Editorial | Article

    What have I learned from cardiovascular outcome trials?

    Endocrinologist Sanjay Kalra considers the impact that cardiovascular outcome trials have had on the standard of diabetes care and questions what else they might accomplish in the future.

  5. 18-09-2019 | Pathophysiology | EASD 2019 | Article

    ‘Strikingly different’ drivers of early type 2 diabetes onset in Asians, Europeans

    The “classic” metabolic contributors to early-onset type 2 diabetes risk in European people explain little of the risk in Asian people, shows a comparison of Scottish and Asian Indian cohorts.

  6. 24-10-2016 | Complications | Editorial | Article

    Attention to hypoglycemia can improve glucose control and reduce risk

    Jay Shubrook explores why it is so important to include hypoglycemia assessment and management as part of your diabetes management plan.

  7. 22-05-2019 | Sulfonylureas | Editorial | Article

    The CAROLINA trial: Make or break for sulfonylureas?

    Diabetologist Sanjay Kalra puts the CAROLINA trial into historical context and considers the present-day implications for the use of DPP-4 inhibitors and sulfonylureas.

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