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  1. 05-08-2019 | Dyslipidemia | News | Article

    Very low LDL could be protective in diabetic dyslipidemia

    Achieving very low levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol while on statin treatment may reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease in people with type 2 diabetes and metabolic dyslipidemia, suggest the results of a large observational study.

  2. 30-01-2019 | Retinopathy | News | Article
    News in brief

    Possible retinopathy benefits with statins for diabetes patients with dyslipidemia

    A population-based study suggests that treatment with a statin may slow the risk for new and worsening retinopathy in patients with diabetes and dyslipidemia.

  3. 12-06-2017 | Lipid-lowering medications | News | Article

    Alirocumab effective against diabetic dyslipidemia

    Data from the ODYSSEY series of trials, presented at the American Diabetes Association scientific sessions, show that the PCSK9 inhibitor alirocumab reduces atherogenic dyslipidemia in patients with diabetes.

  4. 14-09-2017 | PCSK9 inhibitors | EASD 2017 | Article
    News in brief

    Alirocumab dyslipidemia benefits extended to type 1 patients

    The effect of the PCSK9 inhibitor alirocumab on dyslipidemia in patients with type 1 diabetes is consistent with that seen in the type 2 population, the ODYSSEY team has revealed.

  5. 27-09-2017 | Dyslipidemia | Review | Article

    Treatment of dyslipidemia in diabetes: Recent advances and remaining questions

    This article reviews current knowledge concerning diabetic dyslipidemia and cardiovascular disease (CVD).

  6. 28-01-2017 | Dyslipidemia | Review | Article

    Treatment of dyslipidemias to prevent cardiovascular disease in patients with type 2 diabetes

    Current preventive and treatment guidelines for type 2 diabetes have failed to decrease the incidence of comorbidities, such as dyslipidemia and

  7. 21-06-2023 | Cardiovascular disorders | News | Article

    Non-fasting remnant cholesterol shows mixed prognostic value for CVD by diabetes status

    Real-world study data show that non-fasting remnant cholesterol levels are associated with a significantly increased risk for CVD in people without diabetes, with a similar, but nonsignificant, trend observed in those with diabetes.

  8. 26-09-2020 | EASD 2020 | Conference coverage | Article

    Cardioprotective measures neglected in young-onset type 2 diabetes

    People with type 2 diabetes, especially young people, do not receive treatment for hypertension and dyslipidemia in a timely manner, even when they have high cardiovascular risk, study results show.

  9. 15-03-2021 | Risk factors | News | Article

    Clinicians slow to address CV risk factors in type 2 diabetes

    Indeed, dyslipidemia prevalence rose in all age groups younger than 60 years.

  10. 29-07-2022 | Genetics | News | Article

    Healthy lifestyle may counteract genetic predisposition to type 2 diabetes

    For cardiometabolic risk factors, the investigators report that people who had two parents with diabetes were a significant 12% more likely to have hypertension and 21% more likely to have dyslipidemia than those with no family history, after adjusting for potential confounders.

  11. 28-07-2021 | Complications | News | Article

    Complications ‘accumulate rapidly’ in youth-onset type 2 diabetes

    The proportion of participants with hypertension rose from 19.2% at baseline to 67.5% at the 15-year follow-up, while the proportion with dyslipidemia increased from 20.8% to 51.6%.

  12. 05-04-2022 | Medications | At a glance | Article
    At a glance

    Medications for pediatric type 2 diabetes: What’s approved, what’s coming up?

    He stresses the need for the monitoring for and, where needed, treatment of hypertension, dyslipidemia, sleep apnea, and kidney disease.

  13. 06-06-2022 | ADA 2022 | News | Article

    Psychosocial factors predict poor medication adherence in young people with type 2 diabetes

    The iCount study was set up as an offshoot of the TODAY2 study , which showed that young people with an early diagnosis of type 2 diabetes appear to be rapidly accumulating complications including dyslipidemia, hypertension, broader cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, retinopathy, and poor pregnancy outcomes.

  14. 16-09-2021 | Risk factors | News | Article

    Age-specific risk profiles may be needed for effective diabetes prevention

    For obesity and dyslipidemia, the PAR% was zero by age 75 years, compared with 15.9% and 8.7%, respectively, among the youngest participants.

  15. 12-05-2022 | Pathophysiology | News | Article

    Study shows potential for type 2 diabetes characteristics to guide management

    In contrast with the cardiorenal outcomes, retinopathy outcomes were concentrated in a cluster of people who had high blood pressure, “moderately elevated” HbA1c levels, and dyslipidemia.

  16. 09-03-2022 | Dyslipidemia | News | Article

    Lipidomics risk score may predict future type 2 diabetes risk

    Future risk for type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease may be determined by a person’s lipid profile, suggests research published in PLOS Biology .

  17. 30-06-2018 | Metformin | Review | Article

    Actions of metformin and statins on lipid and glucose metabolism and possible benefit of combination therapy

    van Stee MF, de Graaf AA, Groen AK. Cardiovasc Diabetol 2018; 17: 94. doi: 10.1186/s12933-018-0738-4

  18. 31-01-2018 | Screening | News | Article

    Dysglycemia often missed despite treatment for other metabolic abnormalities

    Almost two in every five patients receiving treatment for hypertension or dyslipidemia have undetected dysglycemia, shows an analysis of the EUROASPIRE IV registry.

  19. 07-02-2022 | Semaglutide | News | Article

    STEP 6: Semaglutide addresses ‘pathophysiology of metabolic syndrome’ in east Asians

    One of the comorbidities had to be hypertension or dyslipidemia; in addition, a subset of Japanese participants, comprising 25% of the total trial population, had type 2 diabetes.

  20. 24-08-2017 | Lipid-lowering medications | News | Article
    News in brief

    PCSK9 inhibitors not cost effective

    An analysis in JAMA shows that the price of PCSK9 inhibitors, recently shown to be effective against diabetic dyslipidemia, will need to fall by nearly three-quarters before they can be considered cost-effective even in high-risk patients with established cardiovascular disease.

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