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  1. 14-10-2022 | Dementia | News | Article

    Glitazone use linked to reduced dementia risk in type 2 diabetes

    People aged 60 years or older receiving thiazolidinedione monotherapy for type 2 diabetes may have a lower risk for dementia than those taking metformin monotherapy, an observational study suggests.

  2. 01-09-2021 | Dementia | News | Article
    News in brief

    Telmisartan linked to reduced dementia risk in people with type 2 diabetes, hypertension

    Study results suggest that telmisartan use in people with concomitant type 2 diabetes and hypertension is associated with a lower incidence of dementia and ischemic stroke compared with the use of other angiotensin receptor blockers.

  3. 27-04-2021 | Mental health | News | Article

    Dementia added to list of early-onset diabetes dangers

    Research published in JAMA suggests the risk for dementia increases with younger age at type 2 diabetes diagnosis, with the risk further increased in people who have a stroke.

  4. 15-06-2021 | Dementia | News | Article

    Poor glycemic control, complications linked to dementia risk in people with type 2 diabetes

    Among people with type 2 diabetes, those with hypoglycemic events, microvascular complications, or high or unstable glycated hemoglobin levels might have an increased risk for dementia, researchers report.

  5. 28-04-2021 | DUKPC 2021 | News | Article

    Blood pressure, lipids may contribute to long-term dementia risk in type 2 diabetes

    The onset of dementia in people with type 2 diabetes may be foreshadowed by elevated levels of some vascular risk factors 1 to 2 decades beforehand, say researchers.

  6. 22-09-2020 | EASD 2020 | Conference coverage | Article

    Dementia–type 2 diabetes link driven mostly by vascular risk

    The increased risk for dementia associated with type 2 diabetes is strongest for vascular dementia, researchers have reported at the virtual 56th EASD Annual Meeting.

  7. 27-03-2020 | Glycemic control | News | Article
    News in brief

    High blood glucose likely causal for unspecified dementia

    A Mendelian randomization analysis supports a causal role of high blood glucose in unspecified dementia, but not in Alzheimer’s disease or vascular dementia.

  8. 04-03-2019 | Mental health | Editorial | Article

    Diabetes and dementia: Addressing the needs of an overlooked population

    Diabetologist Amar Puttanna addresses growing concerns about the rise of dementia in diabetes care and highlights where guidelines, research efforts, and management options are needed to tackle this comorbidity.

  9. 04-09-2018 | Mental health | Article

    Long-term glycemic control and dementia risk in type 1 diabetes

    Lacy ME et al. Diabetes Care 2018: dc180073. doi: 10.2337/dc18-0073

  10. 18-07-2018 | Mental health | Review | Article

    Cognitive decline and dementia in diabetes mellitus: Mechanisms and clinical implications

    The authors address the different manifestations of diabetes-mellitus-associated cognitive dysfunction, with an emphasis on dementia and pre-dementia

  11. 14-10-2016 | Type 2 diabetes | News | Article
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    Dementia strikes diabetes patients younger

    Research finds that diabetes patients develop dementia earlier than other people, but that they also die younger, so do not live with dementia for any greater time.

  12. 04-07-2018 | Mental health | Article

    Factors associated with type 2 diabetes in patients with vascular dementia: A population-based cross-sectional study

    Incidence of dementia is growing rapidly and affects many people worldwide.

  13. 23-06-2022 | Older adults | News | Article

    Low risk from reversing diabetes overtreatment in nursing home residents

    Deintensifying diabetes treatment does not increase the risk for short-term adverse outcomes in male nursing home residents with limited life expectancy or advanced dementia, say researchers.

  14. 03-06-2021 | Mental health | News | Article

    Severe hypoglycemia detrimental to long-term cognition in type 1 diabetes

    Two studies, including a long-term DCCT analysis, highlight the importance of severe hypoglycemia in the risk for people with type 1 diabetes developing dementia.

  15. 16-10-2020 | Older adults | News | Article

    Metformin use might have neuroprotective effects in older patients with type 2 diabetes

    Results from an observational study suggest that the use of metformin in older patients with type 2 diabetes is associated with a reduced decline in both global cognition and executive function, and a decreased risk for dementia.

  16. 15-07-2022 | Dementia | News | Article

    Progressing prediabetes a ‘key turning point’ for white matter damage

    Researchers have identified localized white matter microstructural damage in people with prediabetes and widespread abnormalities in those with type 2 diabetes.

  17. 31-03-2022 | Diet | Hot topic review | Article

    Fasting and people with diabetes

    These are people who have chronic kidney disease, an organ transplant, dementia, or an eating disorder, as well as those who are immunodeficient, younger than 18 years or old and/or frail, pregnant or breastfeeding, or undergoing cancer treatment.

  18. 15-03-2022 | Hypoglycemia | News | Article

    Severe hypoglycemia risk factors identified in insulin users with type 2 diabetes

    Among individual comorbidities, cancer (OR=1.87), dementia or Alzheimer's disease (OR=1.73), peripheral vascular disease (OR=1.59), paralysis, hemiplegia, or paraplegia (OR=1.51), hepatitis (OR=1.50), congestive heart failure (OR=1.47), cardiac arrhythmia (OR=1.29), liver/gallbladder/pancreatic disease (OR=1.26), and hypertension (OR=1.19) were each independently associated with a significantly increased hypoglycemia risk.

  19. 05-02-2021 | Epidemiology | News | Article

    Cancer overhauls vascular disease as top cause of death for people with diabetes

    Moreover, although the excess mortality in the diabetes group declined over the study period for deaths due to vascular causes, it increased for dementia, diabetes-associated cancers, other cancers, and respiratory diseases.

  20. 16-08-2021 | Type 2 diabetes | Teaser

    New additions to the Adis Journal Club

    A selection of topical peer-reviewed articles from the Adis journals, curated by the editors.

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