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4 search results for:

Amar Puttanna 

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  1. 04-03-2019 | Mental health | Editorial | Article

    Diabetes and dementia: Addressing the needs of an overlooked population

    Diabetologist Amar Puttanna addresses growing concerns about the rise of dementia in diabetes care and highlights where guidelines, research efforts, and management options are needed to tackle this comorbidity.

  2. 07-03-2019 | Diet | Video | Article

    Clinical takeaways: The DiRECT trial

    Amar Puttanna highlights the key clinical messages that have come out of the DiRECT trial (0:59).

  3. 13-03-2019 | Canagliflozin | News | Article

    ABCD audit data reveal improved glycemic control with use of FreeStyle Libre, canagliflozin

    Using data from the same nationwide audit, Amar Puttanna (Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust, UK), on behalf of the ABCD Nationwide Canagliflozin Audit Contributors, presented 2-year follow-up data evaluating the efficacy of canagliflozin in a clinical setting.

  4. 13-02-2018 | Older adults | Editorial | Article

    Does setting treatment targets risk the overtreatment of type 2 diabetes in older patients?

    The drive to achieve lower HbA1c targets in older patients is not without concern or risk. Our UK Board address concerns highlighted by recent trials and discuss whether current guidelines do enough to mitigate the risks of overtreatment.

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